- on Thread for Spamming your Sets in ass appreciation
- on beautiful's album
- on Top 5 hopefuls you think deserve to be SGs. in top fives
- on Sense8 in Television
- on enrapture's photo
- on Cameos or Photobombing? in everything sg
my phone just broke. i'm super pissed off :(
I know it would break sometime because it was old as fuck, but it's so difficult to manage social media and stay connected with you all!
My Premium Snap account will be without any posts this week and I'm trying to get a new phone ASAP I swear :(
I'm sorry for that :(((
Hey there!
These two gorgeous @rambo and @missy asked us what made us feel good this week, and my answer is super easy: I have a NEW GORGEOUS SET IN MEMBER REVIEW ! It was shot by my friend @albertoprado at a shootfest here in Brazil (and this was also the first time we worked together!) and I love this set SO MUCH!
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast
SG Set
by albertoprado
I really don't know if this fits on "What made you feel good this week" homework, but that made me HAPPY AS FUCK FOR SURE , so obviously I have to talk to you guys, and I really don't give a shit if it fits or not hahaha
I'm sooo glad to announce that THE SET WHICH MUST NOT BE NAMED , by @shotbyzeus was...
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