I wish I had got money for exams to, but now Im out and it wouldnt matter! I know what it is like to be pore, arent like married or something, does he give you any money!
I would say you sound apathetic!
Come on tell me, come on you know you want to, how about If i send you a cookie!
hey there i am just making my rounds and making sure that everyone is still coming to the holiday party and participating in the secret santa gift exchange...i am drawing the names on the 15th and will be letting you know through email who you have gotten on the 16th. so just let me know if anything has change so i can make the adjustments...can't wait to see you there...
Work is for suckers.
SO, you hate winter, eh? well I love all seasons and winter because of snowboarding. Although, it was 3 degrees this morning on my way to work (oh shit, I guess I'm a sucker too yo)!
be well...
Hello Dujour,
What a surprise. A friend request from someone charming.
I'm a lucky ass
I'm currently recording songs. I do the drum tracks in my flat with a children model, and I try not to bother my neighboors.
That's the necessary bricolage.
Yesterday I did this one
But I need to redo it.
I discover your page, and your sexy pics.
I want it for breakfast. You're so lickable, lmao
Nice tat. I see what u mean now. I'm gonna invest me in some henna ink and some of them groovy japanese brushes and practice doing some of that now. Toxic markers are probably not a good idea, but a biro is what we used at school
Ha! Yeah, you could be her twin ... well, from the neck up. I caught on pretty quick once I started flipping through your set (she is, well .... you are ... well... you know... how do you say... ... boobs!.)
That and unless she had all her tattoos removed, shuffled around, changed and re-applied - I'm thinking you just might not be the same person after all.
I would say you sound apathetic!
Come on tell me, come on you know you want to, how about If i send you a cookie!