DOMINICA SAYS:The night of this set, someone stole my heart in New York City. They could have slipped through the shadows or sneaked up on it in an ally. This is what I get for wearing it on my sleeve. Regardless of the circumstances or their intent it is now no longer mine. I wasnt aware I even had one in recent months, until I realized it belonged to someone else. Though the key to their heart lies with another, mine is content. Where once it was content being frigid in solitaire, it is now warm and no longer lonely. Where it once was burned by a touch, it is now slowly healed by a strangers hand. Where it once tasted sour, it now brings refreshment. I look out the window, anticipating the day when I will meet the thief again. It could be the man with the fedora walking his dog, the woman hailing a cab, or the city itself. Im torn.
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