Thanks guys <3 one more time we did it !
Thanks guys <3 one more time we did it !
Sorry if i'v been absent.
Tell me what you you like to see more of me..
Hi guys !
Are you into videomapping?
I was lucky to be selected to a unique progect of video mapping ... tatto mapping were the tattoos gain life !
Check this amazing video !
So i'm selling some clothes from my sets , like for example this dress:
So mail me at discordiarocks
Let me know if you want to buy something from my sets (clothes, prints, shoes , wtv )
Hi guys !
Planning a travel to London in September to see some friends and to go to the SG Blackheart burlesque... If the plain tickets are cheap enought for me too go in that time of the month *crossing fingers*
Who will i see if i go to the show ? - Say hi !
Hey lovers !
I'm thinking in doing some polarois to sell. What do you think ?
I was so insecure about this set...
I barelly have make up, just some mascara... i didn't sleep the best of my sleeps...
And you guys love it so much !
I'm such an isecure person... and you help me change it everyday <3
I will never leave this site !