im all for retribution against mankind. the problem is i lack the funds to do so. but someday, imma take over the world. *sigh* those would be happy times
. ttyl 

fuck! it really disappoints me that people are this way.
and what's even more fucked up about it is someone is lying..
people are so lame.. . don't worry though, karma will get that person..
you don't do something like that and get away with it.. it'll eventually catch up to them..
anywho, more tattoo work huh? that's sweet. can't wait to see it in the new photo shoot!!
I have an appointment in two weeks to get another portrait done. I love my artist!
he's truely talented! I like all the colors on you, i have some colored pieces on me too but
i'm really into greywash right now and portraits
I'm going to keep setting appointments every two weeks
until my arms are filled, what about you? are you just going with the one sleeve? it looks good on you though
good luck with the set and such!
and what's even more fucked up about it is someone is lying..
people are so lame.. . don't worry though, karma will get that person..
you don't do something like that and get away with it.. it'll eventually catch up to them..
anywho, more tattoo work huh? that's sweet. can't wait to see it in the new photo shoot!!
I have an appointment in two weeks to get another portrait done. I love my artist!
he's truely talented! I like all the colors on you, i have some colored pieces on me too but
i'm really into greywash right now and portraits

until my arms are filled, what about you? are you just going with the one sleeve? it looks good on you though

good luck with the set and such!
Alright so what happened to me yesterday, was probably the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. ha.
here's the story...
i had stayed home from work yesterday because i keep getting these horrible migranes and i needed to go to the doctors about it.. when i woke up in the morning my breathing was bothering me but i just pushed it off and...
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here's the story...
i had stayed home from work yesterday because i keep getting these horrible migranes and i needed to go to the doctors about it.. when i woke up in the morning my breathing was bothering me but i just pushed it off and...
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wow, seriously that sux, cause i have been there too. not as bad but pretty close. so i know how all that feels. i think out of all the pain i have had, not being able to breathe is like the worst. Im glad u are alright. take it easy sweetie. and keeping and inhaler around never hurts. take care ttyl :arr:
Fuck...what a scary story!! You were very lucky. Thank god you got the help you needed.
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Hope you're feeling better soon!

so i guess being a girl sometimes DOES pay off...
lastnight when i was driving my tire blew out.. so today i had to drive to walmart with a spare on it to get a new tire.. i really needed to get 2 new front tires but i couldnt afford it because they were saying the cheapest tire i could get was $47 and then...
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lastnight when i was driving my tire blew out.. so today i had to drive to walmart with a spare on it to get a new tire.. i really needed to get 2 new front tires but i couldnt afford it because they were saying the cheapest tire i could get was $47 and then...
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Love your first set! I wish I was a girl.....or, wait....nevermind. Seriously though, congrats!
In my experience, NOTHING will remove those stains. Animal urine stains are the herpes of the material discoloration universe. You just have to live your life around them, pretending that they don't exist. Kind of like having a semi-senile grandparent staying in your guest room. Sure, they have the occasional loud fit of profanity, and they keep knocking over the same desk lamp time and time again, but if you don't acknowledge their existance, they can't really bother you.....
Thank you for your comment. 

So cute...
I was gonna swing by just to say that you were rad, but the puppy stole all the thunder. Haha!

So cute...

I was gonna swing by just to say that you were rad, but the puppy stole all the thunder. Haha!

Oh GOODNESS my first entry how exciting!!! So hello everyone, i am new to the site, i just got my login info and everything a few hours ago.. Anyshit, my name is Dior, i am quite an outgoing girl and i love making new friends. Today has been a pretty damn good day for me so far. I got a call saying that i got...
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thankyou dawwwlin
Welcome to pink 

What are you doing to celebrate your birthday? x