Oh my God - I'm in such a mess!! When I moved to Phoenix a year ago I had to leave everything I owned behind and packed into a storage unit. I've fallen behind by a couple months in the payments for them due to my struggle with pulling in an income here. And now I have been informed that my storage unit is up...
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You should drive back there and get whatever is most important to you. Until your stuff is auctioned off, if you don't have the money, it's still your stuff. Or you could get someone you know to recover a few things for you.

Whatever happened between your family and you, now would be a good time to swallow your pride and ask them to help you. Last year, I had to ask my parents for money several times for reasons I won't disclose here. We're not in bad terms but asking your parents for money when you're 34 (and a guy, living on the other side of the world) is really hard, you can trust me on that... I had no other choice back then...

A final thing you could try is to call the place and arrange some monthly re-payment, kinda like a credit card. Be sincere, explain why you can't face the prospect of losing some of your stuff (that, in any case, has no value for anybody else) and say you'll give them $100 a month, including whatever interest they charge. Of course, you'll have to make sure you give them cash right away and follow-up on that then. You can always get a job as a waitress somewhere, the tips should help you get that money easily.

Thanks for the help but I've tried all of those. Since my payments are three months behind the only way to avoid the auction is to pay the $483 balance in full and cash only so no payment plan. I also tried calling my parents and telling them how much of an emergency it was and they said no. My mom told me that I put myself in this situation and I chose this lifestyle and all the hardships that come with it so it's tough luck. She also added that her and my dad are never going to help me out financially so I shouldn't bother to ask. (I moved out by running away right when I hit 17 and even though I'm 26 now they still tell me that I left their home on my own accord so whatever shit comes with my chosen lifestyle is only to be expected.) And last - the rent for my storage unit is so overdue that they have put a padlock of their own on it to prevent me from being able to sneak my things out of there without paying them (which is standard procedure at those places).
Even if I got a waitressing job despite the daily cash income from tips I hardly doubt I would be able to find a job, get hired and make $483 in the next 4 days before the auction. Thanks for trying to help though. kiss I've racked my brain for possibilities.
Well as of about a week ago our internet and cable got shut off (goodbye Sopranos) so my internet access is going to be scarce until I can figure out a way to generate some money. So anyone sending me a message - it might be a lcouple days until I see it. frown
Try a powered receiver, it'll pull in signal from a greater distance.
I love how eloquently you speak. It's a very desirable quality. Besides the fact that you're seriously gorgeous. I can't get over it.
I think this is the beginning of the end. I can't help but feel like the relationship I've been in for the last year is not existent for the reasons that it should be; because he wants me....because he needs me....because he loves me. No, I think he has settled for me. I've never dated someone who was so fucking blah about me and being...
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Im sorry to hear your situation. I have had the same thing before but she was the one who constantly needed someone around and wouldn't let me out of her sight. Im not into the zodiac stuff, but Im a Sag and I personally love having someone by my side to want and need, but not 24/7. To much of a good thing makes it blah and dull. Im lonely right now because I havent had someone to want and need in a long time and with what Im getting into with school and work, I will need someone there to back me up, give me strength when I need it the most and comfort me when the day is over.
Follow your heart. If you feel like the relationship isn't working, then it isn't--on one level or another, there's a problem. You seem like a cool enough person, and you're plenty foxy. You deserve to be with someone who is there & fully engaged in being with you.

Just my $.02.
Goddamn. Another good friend of mine died a couple weeks ago and I haven't been able to talk about it yet but I want to get it out now. Amanda and I have been close ever since I met her about 8 years ago and it breaks my heart. She was the first girl I ever slept with and the only one I continued to...
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So sorry to hear about your loss.
Yeah, the thinking they were in pain thing really is awful. I never take passengers on my bike, hate the thought that I can be responsible for others' lives that way.
Well I finally got internet so I'm back from the dead! Still living in downtown Phoenix and I have a job working at a gas station down the street. I'm bored out of my fucking mind though. My boyfriend lost his job and is trying to start up his own plumbing business by advertising in the yellow pages. The ad hasn't come out yet though...
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sounds stereotypical of the mass..... although I must say.. Your quite the artistically visioned... over most..
hey gurl! ive worked in retail for the last 6 years its rubbish! if only we could be SG full time! u got any gigs cumin up lady? xx
Sorry to anybody who's sent me a message in the last month or two that I haven't responded to yet. I'm living somewhere in downtown Phoenix that doesn't have any internet connection so the only exposure I've gotten is this 5 minutes at my boyfriend's mom's house. I promise I'll respond when I can. Other than that and trying to find a job, everything's going...
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agggggh cant wait for more pics!!!!
Good luck with the job hunt!
Alright - so someone help me. I'm totally new here and need someone to clue me in on the music scene like are there any good bars around here that play metal or punk? Do any of them have live bands playing? What are the strip clubs around here like and which ones are the good ones to go to and maybe waitress at? Just...
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Hmm. Never into Phoenix. Make it work, though.
depends. where in texas are you. Austin's got a pretty good punk scene if you look in the right places and i know of a joint in San Antonio called the White Rabbit that plays a shitload of metal and punk shows. I'm not too sure about any other places

Well I'm now just sitting around the house (I have been for a couple days and will continue to for a couple more days.....) and I am bored as fuck. I'm waiting to get some proof of identity mailed to me in order to go get my driver's license here so I can go get a job and shit. At least my boyfriend and I...
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It's nice sometimes to just read a blog that isn't full of vanity and bitching about something or someone else that you could care less about. Besides anytime you blog it's like a present, and always worth reading. smile I can't even say that about half the blogs I post.
love love love
Alright. . . . . my boyfriend and I finally have some wheels. His mom lent him the money today to get a 1985 Mercedes for $1450. Pretty good deal, huh? And as soon as he gets his plumbing job in the next week he'll get a company truck and the car will be mine. What an upgrade - the only car I've ever owned...
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happy birthday
Happy birthday! Congratulations on the car!
Alright - I'm finally living in a place where I have internet connection once again. And it's a house too! No more trailer with my boyfriend in the parking lot of an automotive repair shop! I'm so happy. My boyfriend and I sold his truck (which didn't ever work anyway), sold our trailer, and hopped on a Greyhound two weeks ago up to Phoenix to...
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whoa long time good to see you back around
Good luck with the kicking of old habits, fresh starts, and hot girl on girl action.
Alright, so I know that it has been entirely way too long since my last blog but I've been pretty bust trying to dodge some of the shit that has been being slung at me lately. Between getting over a relationship that ended in a fucked up way and having to find a stable place to live after it I've been busy. Plus I try...
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I recently had a run in with a carny from Texas. I so wish she was even half as beautiful as you are.

Good luck in all you do and can't wait for a new set!
can't wait for a new set!!