Going through all the hopefuls sets on the website it's gonna take me years!!!!! Hope you are all well, kisses and hugs❤️❤️❤️
Oh my God,i't been sooooooooooo long since i posted anything on my Sg Blog.
So many things changed and so many stayed the same.
I left London though,an di miss it terribly!

So many things changed and so many stayed the same.
I left London though,an di miss it terribly!

Was drawn to your hypnotic eyes and beautiful skin.
Hi everyone,first of all thanks so much for all the nice comments,emails,gifts and nice wishes for my birthday,it was awesome,the girls at work made a little surprise for me,they closed one of the shops,get all together in the main one,switch off the lights and sang me happy birthday while even people from outside were joining in,they brought me a cake and lovely presents,i was very...
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auguri in ritardo.
I was veeeeery excited to go to my cousin's wedding,but that's on hold for now since unfortunately my nazi landlady wants me out of this apartment as soon as possible.
I've been living here for the last 2 years and i adored it everything about this flat and the area around ...
That's why i hope to find a place close to here,this area...
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I was veeeeery excited to go to my cousin's wedding,but that's on hold for now since unfortunately my nazi landlady wants me out of this apartment as soon as possible.
I've been living here for the last 2 years and i adored it everything about this flat and the area around ...
That's why i hope to find a place close to here,this area...
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I'm late on everything, so
Read your blog here in January, how did things turn out for you?

I'm looking at myself in the mirrorand i see somebody who has the same eyes of the girl i was 5 or 6 years ago,only more tired.
I see the same black hole of vengeances and pupils tired of a weight that i can't recognize.Yet.
What i did to deserve this?
"If i touch here?"
It hurts.
"what's in here?What's in it?Remember."
"Which memories?"...
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I see the same black hole of vengeances and pupils tired of a weight that i can't recognize.Yet.
What i did to deserve this?
"If i touch here?"
It hurts.
"what's in here?What's in it?Remember."
"Which memories?"...
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hey my dear for you !!!!!
1. It takes 30 days to search a small town.
2. Some humans like raw hamburger.
3. Vampires can't find you in a diner with the light on.
4. The main character can go outside and make as much noise as he wants without being located by a vampire.
5. you must sacrifice yourself 5 minutes...
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1. It takes 30 days to search a small town.
2. Some humans like raw hamburger.
3. Vampires can't find you in a diner with the light on.
4. The main character can go outside and make as much noise as he wants without being located by a vampire.
5. you must sacrifice yourself 5 minutes...
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Short version: It's a crappy movie? Never bothered to watch it. I hear people wonder why vamp movies are always made in sunny places; it's actually very simple. Warm humans taste better than chilled penguins.
Old ladies only have the best pot if they've grown it themselves.
*contemplates sharing his purple puppy obsession*
Old ladies only have the best pot if they've grown it themselves.
*contemplates sharing his purple puppy obsession*
May there be white sand between your toes and a big hot red sunset in your future. Much love

hi dudes and dudettes!
i have a question:if after submitting a set on the hopefully section,it doesn't get choose the next week,can the set be choose any other week after or if u missed it the week u sent it,they never gonna use it as a sg set?
i'm curious !
in other news...i'm selling on ebay lots of my staff,feel free to have a...
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i have a question:if after submitting a set on the hopefully section,it doesn't get choose the next week,can the set be choose any other week after or if u missed it the week u sent it,they never gonna use it as a sg set?
i'm curious !
in other news...i'm selling on ebay lots of my staff,feel free to have a...
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it can be chosen months later!
Fa piacere rivederti in giro di tanto in tanto...
Comunque mi spiace per il tuo set, visto che da quasi 2 anni che ne aspettavamo uno nuovo... Beh, speriamo almeno che lo ripeschino nelle prossime settimane... Altrimenti non posso che augurarmi che tu ne scatterai un altro e che quello venga accettato subito...
Per il resto spero che la vita su vada bene e che il lavoro procede ottimamente...

Comunque mi spiace per il tuo set, visto che da quasi 2 anni che ne aspettavamo uno nuovo... Beh, speriamo almeno che lo ripeschino nelle prossime settimane... Altrimenti non posso che augurarmi che tu ne scatterai un altro e che quello venga accettato subito...
Per il resto spero che la vita su vada bene e che il lavoro procede ottimamente...

I always believed it was the things you don't choose that makes you who you are. Your city, your neighborhood, your family. People here take pride in these things, like it was something they'd accomplished. The bodies around their souls, the cities wrapped around those.
This city can be hard. When I was young, I asked my priest how you could get to heaven and...
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This city can be hard. When I was young, I asked my priest how you could get to heaven and...
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ciao fedy .......mi sa che quello che siamo lo scegliamo noi anche senza accorgercene...poi mi sa che il confine tra lupi e pecore e davvero molto molto sottile.....comunque....mi dispaice per il set e uno dei piu belli che abbia visto e continuero a commentarlo ....glielo facciamo capire che era da homepage......un bacio ....va tutto bene? ciao stellina ..........spero di sentirti presto!!

ciao stellina......buon san valentino......un bacio !!!

Happy new year everybody!!!!!
i had a wonderful time at the Big Red in holloway Road in London,all my friends were there and i met cool new ones and it is simply amazing how sometimes friends are all you need to feel happy and better about your life....
At 5 in the morning i had to come home because i had to take the dog...
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i had a wonderful time at the Big Red in holloway Road in London,all my friends were there and i met cool new ones and it is simply amazing how sometimes friends are all you need to feel happy and better about your life....
At 5 in the morning i had to come home because i had to take the dog...
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welcome to sg italy.
gotta love your sg name!
gotta love your sg name!
so gorgeous!!!
so gorgeous!!!

It's always our decision who we are.
Creation seems to come out of imperfection.
I t seems to come out of a striving and a frustration.
And this is where I think language came from.
I mean, it came from our desire to transcend our isolation...
and have some sort of connection with one another.
And it had to be easy when it was just...
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Creation seems to come out of imperfection.
I t seems to come out of a striving and a frustration.
And this is where I think language came from.
I mean, it came from our desire to transcend our isolation...
and have some sort of connection with one another.
And it had to be easy when it was just...
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miss ya gal 

Yeah i forgot to write that it's a part of the script from the movie "waking life",which it's really weird and not easy to watch,but i loved what it says about life and human contacts and experiences...
For all the people that they not have heard from me for a long time,well bad things always happens together and in my case a shitload of bad things happened one after the other!!
So this christmas is a little bit sad for me ut i do looking forward to the new year,hoping that my life will be back on track!!!!
Also,i really hope to show you all my new set,and i'm a lready preparing another one in January.
Think of it,on january the 17th it will be my birthday,maybe i should do a set with plenty of ballons and a birthday cake!!!!
for the last couple of years i didn't do any party for my birthday,maybe this is the right time and it will boost my moral!
Well,it's almost 5 in the morning so i guess it is time to sleep...
Love you all,

For all the people that they not have heard from me for a long time,well bad things always happens together and in my case a shitload of bad things happened one after the other!!
So this christmas is a little bit sad for me ut i do looking forward to the new year,hoping that my life will be back on track!!!!

Also,i really hope to show you all my new set,and i'm a lready preparing another one in January.
Think of it,on january the 17th it will be my birthday,maybe i should do a set with plenty of ballons and a birthday cake!!!!
for the last couple of years i didn't do any party for my birthday,maybe this is the right time and it will boost my moral!
Well,it's almost 5 in the morning so i guess it is time to sleep...
Love you all,