I'm ill.

I have a vomiting bug. And it's not pretty. And i cannot not nap anymore, or watch tv, or read. I'm officially bored.

And that's all the "news" i have to update with. Pathetic, eh?

I'm going to see a handsome boy on Friday. Hope i don't vomit on him.

unfortunately, not at the moment...

my planned flying visit to Dublin's not looking too good at the moment, as I've two weeks off in november that I don't want and won't get paid for. meh.

still, here's hoping all's on the up and up with you!
Hug, what a lucky man! smile
People think i exagerate a lot. Cuz there's ALWAYS some drama with me. I don't exagerate. Things do always get this complicated. I'd rather they didn't. I'd like a quiet life. I never get it.

For example.......

I got tickets to go see Alkaline Trio in Dublin yesterday. So, me and my best friend packed up our stuff, and headed off to Dublin. I had...
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Hey, how's tricks? Been up to anything good? Hope you've been having as much fun working in a financial institution as I have these 2 weeks smile
I know this is kinda long after this blog but I just wanted to say I feel your pain on the alkaline trio front. I had tickets and then couldn't go (I bought tickets then realised I wasn't back from holiday til the day after) which is not as bad as a broken down car but still...
I feel bad about my last update, cuz it was shit. To be fair, i was feeling shit at the time. But, i've completly neglected this site, my friends here, and my blog for months, and i want to fix that.


As i mentioned, i passed my exams. I did the whole course in 9 months, and i worked than i knew i could....
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Aww thanks - hugs gratefull received, even if they are cyber ones wink

Hope all is well with you and you're still looking forward to your holiday!! biggrin
Congrats on the exams and the view :+)
Hope your knee feels better soon and you have a Happy Birthday :+)
My last blog was nearly 3 months ago. So i really feel like i should update....

Except i don't have anything to update with. That's not me feeling sorry for myself, it's a fact.

Except i passed my exams, and the lovely Sinope came to Cork, and we hung out.

But i am updating nonetheless, mainly just to let you all know i'm still alive....
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Heya, it's good to know you're still alive!

Umm....I don't live in Cork anymore. That's my biggest news....I miss it.

Be back next year for more college though so it's not the end of the world...

Well done on the exams too. I'm sure that's a relief nothing worse than waiting for results...

K, talk to you soon.... smile
Oopsie, double post....my bad blush
Well now.... I've not been so good at this updating malarkey, have i?

My exams were piss bad. Well, one of them. I really didn't do very well in it i think, but it's not the end of the world, there's always re-sits.

I really have very little to say for myself at the moment. I'm trying to muster the enthusiasm for all this that...
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I would attach the whole spread, but I doubt it would be legible. I look so damn tough!

I'm not dead, i am still here, despite my quietness....

I'm hella swamped with study and all that jazz, my exams are in THREE DAYS TIME, and it's fair to say i'm moderatly freaking out. Ish.... But i wanted to post a quicky to say that a). I've not vanished off the face of the earth and b). Normal service will resume shortly.

So, in...
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Hey are you all done now? Bet you did sooper! And that licence pick is so cute, mine is a disgrace...
Well, a proper update is WAY overdue. It's gonna be a big'un, so i'll need some tea to fuel this blog. Hang on...

Oh that IS better. Now...where do we start.

Last saturday, i ventured off to Dublin, for the annual sg Ireland meet. And it was lovely. We met for civilised drinks. And then went for a lovely, civilised meal, then to the pub...
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Hurrah for grins! biggrin
Well, if you came over to the usa to see me and I was laid up with broken leg I'd text the hospital address and room number so you could come see me, so that's no excuse certainly. Anyway, that's a pretty shitty thing to do to someone who's travelled internationally to see you.

Before I read that last spoilerized bit I was just going to say I like Siouxsie's song "swimming horses" and ask if you'd ever heard it.
thanks! i think you may be right, my hair is evil (as mark keeps telling me). its fun to let it go awol for a while. meet was cool. I felt really relaxed and had lots of fun even with people ive just met which is awesome. anything fun comming up? im looking forward to finishing my work!
No payment necessary, was just telling the truth biggrin

Hope you had a good paddy's day
I never know quite where to start. Which is usually why my blogs are so rambling.

Perhaps we should add a little bit of chronologicality to my ramblings?

The boy from my last blog turned out to be a donkey. Don't they always? I've not heard from him much since our date. Which was the best date i've had in the last 2 years, so...
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Yup! Photography! It's something I've done as a hobby for years. Bought my first camera about six or seven years ago, took some classes in the dark room (it's a shame it's a dying art - it's quite relaxing and extremely satisfying to take the photo and work it through the entire process and end up with a finished product), and I've got myself a birthday present last year of a nice digital SLR. Eventually I'd like to move into photojournalism. Could be a good way to see the world. Or I could just end up taking photos outside the Four Courts. Either way, it sounds like a good job. It helps that I have friends who are photographers, so I've got a mentor I can call upon if I need advice on something. Graphic design was my previous vocation but you need your head examined if you want to get ahead in that in Ireland.

It's not really that brave going back to college! It's a bit of a no-brainer, especially having spent the last two years working in a stuffy secure room in Ireland's most average bank. That, and I'm now a mature student! I could've done a lot better on my leaving cert, so I'm glad to have the second chance. Plus, going to college straight out of school is a mistake. If anyone was to ask me, I'd advise them to take time off, see some of the world, gain some life experience, chill out after school, and then go to college. It's a lot more beneficial for everyone that way.

A mechanic? Sweet. I'm a total car nut myself, though ironically, can't drive. Pointless being able to drive in Dublin these days anyway.

I'm interested to know what your other point was now after that whole internal dialogue.

And I hear Botswana's not that great. Sure, only 17% of it is game reserve. That's shite all.
sick bad

pasta good

dublin yey!

im off to see my mates band which should be aweome, if he can get out of his hangover to strum!

i am having cheesy time at work with Roxette and pink waffers. im so mid 90's.
My lovelife has been a disaster in the last 2 years. Wrong 'un, after wrong'un have come and gone. And i've gotten real down about this fact, like it was my fault. I genuinely thought that no "real life" boy would ever be attracted to me again.

This may well actually be the case, but i'm not stressed about it anymore.

There is a hot...
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Drive to the beach!...ah man thats awesome! i have visited Londons beach but its not really the place for waterbotles and reflection,well, without skag anyway.

i love skating, my two friends (other then mark in dans pictures) and i have been skating for 8 years now!! but we are mainly rubbish apart from odd days.. like once a year when it all clicks.. but its fun. If little kids ask me if im sponsered i say 'yes by Lidle ' now (do you have lidle in Ireland?.. its a cheap german supermarket) which always cracks me up. these ten years old may have the drop in terms of tricks, but i do have facial hair and a car, so i figure were all even.

Comming ot Ireland would be sweet... i nominated my attorney mark to sort it out, hes a organising genius. which reminds me i must sot out going to the Birmingham meet. you off to that one?

ps what does a Rhinokittymonkeyosaur do?

he tore 3 muscles in his back?

awww man that has got to kill.. i tore a knee ligament and i woke up with my leg locked. felt like i ripped it open when i forced my leg straight. i feel for the guy.

did he fall off a balcony or just really really weird?

gallows friday!

oh i shall put a holiday request in with mark!! we need to sort something out, especialy as we might give download a miss.
Well then......

Ya, you can ignore that last blog, and it's emoness. I've been having a bit of a bad run for the last few weeks, it happens to everyone, and it's not the end of the world. I was just focusing on only the bad things, there are good things aswell, so that's what this blog is going to be. I'm not a whiny,...
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I'm liable to daydream about anything... depends on what's going on in life at the time!

SP were disappointing because they played a two and a half hour set. Which would've been amazing if it hadn't been all filler and very little killer...

No luck re. dentists yet.
It is pretty nice. The weather is lovely out here, really nice. Like 15-20C, and bright sun and a BIG moon overnight. BIG. I have the meeting most of the time, but I will get to meet Rin, which'll be awesome.

I'll order the book for when I'm back.
I'm a fucking idiot.

This isn't really all that earth shattering, but i feel it needs re-iterating. I get panic attacks. I have done for as long as i can remember. They're not that bad on the scale of things, but they're still not pleasant. And the more worked up i get, something just clicks, and all i want to do is vom. So i've...
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more often then not, i'm right at the same tea table serving up cup after cup of wtf
i can pour in as much honey as i'd like or cube after cube of sugar but that gets a little old and i end up just washing everything down all bitter...
sometimes theres cakes, sometimes the cakes suck ass
one foot in front of the other, and just when you think you've got it all nailed down
someone screams "CLEAN CUPS!!!" or you get kicked under the table right in the patoodey...
i have no idea where i'm going with all this metaphor but sometimes it helps to know that just about everyone gets blue or negative.
i hope you get it sorted and feel better about things
at least for a few moments long enough to gather yourself up for the next round
maybe someday everyone will meet at the same sane moment and enjoy the party
shit. i been gone for a few days and things happen. everybody re-evaluates at some stage. what about positive tapes or something? by the way did you get that union rep to sort that shit out at work. anbd are you keeping a record?