After 4 years, I finally updated my body. Dot matrix piece by Sidro Steel at Bodystain in Columbus, Ohio.
In other news, I found a mid-century Ludwig Marching Band bass drum at the thrift store this past weekend. My husband and I (oh yeah, I got married a couple months ago) will be wearing it in the Doo Dah Parade this year while simultaneously riding
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When I was in 6th grade, I wrote poems on demand for my suburban classmates. I stopped when one chick found my poem about her horse to be underwhelming (how can one write about what they haven't experienced, nor feel a need to?).
Every once in awhile, usually while under the influence, I write a bawdy and amateurish poem.
A few years back I had...
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I was there, one among 400+ riders, donning a pink bikini covered in a naked cowboy print.
Can you spot me? I roll by quick.
This year, I will be there again.
In granny panties.
Facebook event page

Sounds like great fun!
Although the bar owner had surveillance on the entire bar, and scored a clear shot of the thief's face PLUS local neighborhood members and police saying that they THOUGHT they recognized the culprit, nothing came out of it.
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His and the rest of the group's bikes were parked, unlocked, on the fenced in patio.
He was only there for an hour, and within that hour a man walked in off of the street through the front door, grabbed my boyfriend's bike from the pile,...
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Hope you get it back!

I just started using that on my iphone, I have no idea what Im doing with it.
Then, minutes later on Bryden rd, I watched a bucket of bricks fall from atop a house, bounce off the porch roof and land, as I swerved, 5 feet behind me.
I must be in a cartoon.

Emperor's New Clothes as a halloween costume.