Good morning everyone! This is a little “get to know me” post!! If you have any questions you want to ask me also in the comments please let me know !! Okay so hello 👋🏼 I am Christy!! I am 22 years old and I am a momma to a corgi and 2 cats that I love very much! I work multiple jobs during the day and live in a camper full time to save for my dream house. In my free time I like to play video games and I collect awesome statues and comics! I also spend my time updating my YouTube channel which is a recent new hobby I’ve gotten into. On there I show my collectibles and will be playing various games!!! (I need money for a capture card first sadly lol) but some of my favorite games of all time are Doom, Oblivion, Heroes of Might & Magic, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, and any Pokémon game lol. I literally play everything. A little about my life: I have a rough past but every day I try to improve myself as a person. I believe that no matter what, you must continue working towards your higher self. Nobody is complete on their journey and every journey takes time. Kindness and love are the ultimate magic In life and I believe that evil is just an absence of love. My dream is to someday live in the mountains and be able to run around with my corgi all the time. I’m trying to make it happen this year! 😅 I really enjoy reading. My all time favorite book is Dracula !!! I am obsessed with Halloween as I am a Scorpio and was born near it lol, and I love horror movies! I’ve taken a bit of a break with modeling since I’m trying to save and get my debt down so I can move but I will pick it back up in the future when I get some more income coming in :) My goals this year are to purchase a car, move to the mountains, and be happy with my little family. Ask me anything else you’d like to know !!

You are very brave and strong!  be sure to give yourself at least one 'fuckitaaall' weekend a month.  Life is a spiral, which means there will be dips (and dipshits) but staying the course is bound to lead you to a better, good place.  also, listen for oracles.  they are important, if rare.