SG Since 2021

November Adventure ❤️


Potter Park Zoo was so much fun! I had never been even after over 2 years of living in Lansing! I learned through my university of all of their conservation efforts. I was so pleasantly surprised to find they were also disability accessible which helped so much with my knee injury! They also had low sensory, quiet designated locations and spaces so I did not become overstimulated or too anxious! One of my favorite days in a long time and I hope you enjoy some of the cute pictures of the adorable animals!

Whenever I lived in a city with a Conservation Zoo or Aquarium, I would buy a yearly pass and a parking pass and then I'd just go on my days off and hang out for however long I felt like, and get exercise and meet zookeepers, etc.  I love it.  Maybe one day you can take me to the Potter Park Zoo!
I love the photos! I can see that your getting “fresh air” in that setting was so wonderful for you.  Your smile shows😍
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