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- on chloeblossom's photo
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- on A Sweet Ass Pic ! in ass appreciation
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- on Who is your Woman Crush Wednesday? in everything sg
I absolutely think I have some good answers to the questionnaire @fredhincanada created and I can’t wait to tag some people to hear their answers too!!
1. Tell us about one of your favorite songs of all time. The song I have had on repeat lately is “Nobody” by One Republic. It is the theme song for Kaiju No. 8 and I have been super...
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I would not spend the night in a graveyard for $100! I definitely believe in spooky spirits and don't think $100 is enough to convince me its worth the risk! I am a scared cat so it would be difficult to make it the whole night alone. Maybe if I got to bring someone I would be more open to the idea of making a...
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SO thankful to have been included in being interviewed for the @perspectives profile!
I filled out some of my answers quite some time ago and some of the answers more recently, I hope you enjoy & know I am forever grateful for the SG community 💖
You can find it HERE and I hope you enjoy 💕 Let me know in the comments if my
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Wow! I have been so busy recently I have missed being able to check-in or post an update! Focusing on law firm interview prep and LSAT prep has been extremely intimidating. I have tried to focus every ounce of energy that I have towards it. I was confident (but still nervous) going into my first law firm interview!
I did feel like it went well,...
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