Ive come to the decision that I'm going to show you some of my first set. I wish that I went all the way in this and got completely nude but unfortunetly I was to nervous to go all the way. For a first set I highly recommend @kyla <3 You're amazing at what you do and even though Id just met you, you have...
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I haven't done blog homework in...?
@lyxzen @rambo and @missy
Buuuuut my first/favourite game I played as a kid was Spryo the Dragon on ps1!!
I played all of these and collected them. Even played the latest up to PS3. I still have all of my Spyro games! Even in a purple Spyro case!! Sparks the dragonfly was my favourite! Specially when you had to...
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So recently I've gotten into tie dying and I've wanted to do it for so long!! Now that I'm actually doing it, I'm immensely happy!! Things are slowly coming together to make a bigger picture that I'm trying to paint for myself and I hope the end result is something that other people will love aswell!! I can't wait to show everyone!! 😍
Good Hump Day to @MISSY @LYXZEN and @RAMBO this is my 1st Blog Homework.
First up ive been hit with the flu! So bad! So multiple days in bed and so many tablets including vitamins and cold and flu and lots of tea with honey!
But I haven managed to perk up a little bit to finally finish and complete playing The Witcher on PS4....
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So my second set comes out in just under 4 months!! Im so excited about it!! It was shot with the amazing @kyla Honestly every time I see you, you bring stares and looks out of me that I never knew I had! Im so thankful for this shoot and I can see how much Ive grown from my first shoot with you. I cant...
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Today on this glorious Saturday, I have been miss busy body! Gym, Cleaned the house, washed clothes and decided to clean my car when I had a visitor.
Never had a butterfly land so close to me before. =] It only stayed for a short while, I think it must have been thirsty cause it was drinking the water off my car. So pretty!!
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This will be my first blog!! Yay!! I would like to say that I have changed my name!! It used to Saeko but has changed to Channy. The lovely @sydneysuicide was able to help me with this and for that I am eternally greatful!! Ive wanted to change my name for quiet a while but never thought it was possible. I changed it because Saeko...
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So this is the firdt blog ive ever written!! And im totally pumped for the Brisbane Shoot Fest!! Im totally keen to do more shoots and so many ideas and not enough shoots =]