At the last minute I decided to travel to Pittsburgh with Anna and Butt for the halloween party. I was a little nervous, as I usually am around a lot of people I don't know. But I figured there would be plenty of familar faces: Shabbydo, Stirfry and Julie, Doctashock, Tikkigod... except only the later two were there. But I sucked it up, got drunk,...
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I disappear for a week and I come back to this. Craziness. I didn't expect my set to be up this quick or I would have spell checked my intro. Blah. I guess I should have done that to begin with. Anyways. All the comments and everything is very nice. It makes me smile.
Anna went through my set and sized a bunch of pictures...
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Anna went through my set and sized a bunch of pictures...
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I'm glad I got to meet ya, I was kinda out of it for a while, all tired and such.
Next time you'll laugh at my fetus jokes...they're awesome lol
Next time you'll laugh at my fetus jokes...they're awesome lol
all set!!

It snowed for the first time today. Only for a half an hour. Nonetheless, I still hated it. Now there is no evidence of the inccident even occuring. The sun is out and the ground is still green but I can still remember the vision of pure white falling from the sky and the shutter it gave me. There's no stopping it now. There's no...
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Hahaha, I think I go to school where your last set was shot

i try to be, without embarassing myself.
never works though...
i try to be, without embarassing myself.
never works though...
Sometimes I'll read my journals after I post them, to check spelling, grammar, and what not... and after I'm done I'll think to myself, "Damn. I am one badass journal writer person."
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.
Have you ever believed in the tooth fairy?...
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If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.
Have you ever believed in the tooth fairy?...
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the ac/dc ballad was absolutely wonderful, and probably your best idea ever.
wait, no - having me come along was your best idea ever.
i dont think i told you guys thanks for giving me a ride last nite! that was rude, and i am sorry. so was all the making out in the backseat. ewww....
im coming to bucyrus friday nite, hang out with meeeeeee?
wait, no - having me come along was your best idea ever.
i dont think i told you guys thanks for giving me a ride last nite! that was rude, and i am sorry. so was all the making out in the backseat. ewww....
im coming to bucyrus friday nite, hang out with meeeeeee?
My little sister was born in 1987
Your birthday however is not close to anyone that I know. I did notice that you are 22, and that freaks me out. Why, may you ask? I find palindromes freakishly unsettling. Seriously. If I have 11 comments, I will often comment my own journal to not have to stare at it. This paragraph alone is already freaking me out a bit.
Also, I keep feeling guilty every time you comment, because that means I should've updated each time. I'm a horrible person.

Your birthday however is not close to anyone that I know. I did notice that you are 22, and that freaks me out. Why, may you ask? I find palindromes freakishly unsettling. Seriously. If I have 11 comments, I will often comment my own journal to not have to stare at it. This paragraph alone is already freaking me out a bit.
Also, I keep feeling guilty every time you comment, because that means I should've updated each time. I'm a horrible person.
If I ever opened a trampoline store, I don't think I'd call it Trampo-Land, because you might think it was a store for tramps, which is not the inpression we are trying to convey with our store. On the other hand, we would not prohibit tramps from browsing, or testing the trampolines, unless a tramp's gyrations seemed to be getting out of control.
Ah. My...
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Ah. My...
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That was a very enjoyable read. Thank you.
And I have even updated my journal. Does that now make me your bitch?

And I have even updated my journal. Does that now make me your bitch?

i had a wonderful time, are you kidding?! you are too much fun and your friends are so sweet, i even got to give my phone number to someone and i dont think ive ever done that before so i was excited.
i cannot believe we havent hung out in so long. its a crime, really.
we are going to do it again really soon, right??
i cannot believe we havent hung out in so long. its a crime, really.
we are going to do it again really soon, right??
Figured it's a good time to update. Not a whole lot to update about though. I finished Jitterbug Perfume. It was good. But, in my opinion, not his best. Although I did learn alot from that book. One day I will figure out a way to make love to Robbins' writing. And the babies will be beautiful.
To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're...
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To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're...
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i grew up in columbus!! i just went back for a couple days recently, it was quite intense... as you can see from the photos... 

i just scoured my house for change so ill have enough gas to make it to work this week. so basically, i cant leave my house.
BUT i get paid friday and i will be rolling in cash (sort of).
what do you want to do? can i take pictures of you? not naked ones, of course. but i just got my darkroom back and i want to take tons of photos to experiment with but im sick of taking photos of myself. LET ME TAKE PICTURES OF YOU!!!
if not, you know, id still be cool with sitting outside smoking cigarettes and talking for hours
BUT i get paid friday and i will be rolling in cash (sort of).
what do you want to do? can i take pictures of you? not naked ones, of course. but i just got my darkroom back and i want to take tons of photos to experiment with but im sick of taking photos of myself. LET ME TAKE PICTURES OF YOU!!!
if not, you know, id still be cool with sitting outside smoking cigarettes and talking for hours

I bet a fun thing would be to go way back in time to where there was going to be an eclipse and tell the cave men, "If I have come to destroy you, may the sun be blotted out from the sky." Just then the eclipse would start, and they'd probably try to kill you or something, but then you could explain about the...
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I just found this and my eyes bulged out of my head
It was nice to see/hear you. I can't wait for the whole thing now.
I just found this and my eyes bulged out of my head

It was nice to see/hear you. I can't wait for the whole thing now.
youre an a-hole
ps: i miss you
ps: i miss you
House sitting right now. It's nice and quite over here. There are no neighbors BLARING rap music (I live in a duplex...), no one across the street working on their demolition derby cars at all hours of the day/night (revving constantly just to make sure it alright, in five minute increments), no drunkards walking home from the bar singing very loudly. Yes. It's nice over...
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I like the concept of trusting folks enough to pick them up as hitchhikers. Can't say I'll do it... but I generally don't know how to converse with strangers in any setting, anyway, so they'd likely just be uncomfortable.
Yeah, the Brand thing is horrible. I've done some marketing/branding research/study. The last few years companies are getting around the NCAA rules on paying student athletes by establishing "relationships" with them as early as 5th grade.
Basically they scout jr. High basketball games, find what they think will be good prospects, then can either give them gifts (one kid got a cameo in a Nike commercial) or cash. While they can't (theoretically) touch them in college, when the kid gets out, he's can already be loyal to whoever courted him in elementary school.
And I'm embarrassed to admit how much more work I got done when the TV season went into reruns.
Stay cool, bebe!
Basically they scout jr. High basketball games, find what they think will be good prospects, then can either give them gifts (one kid got a cameo in a Nike commercial) or cash. While they can't (theoretically) touch them in college, when the kid gets out, he's can already be loyal to whoever courted him in elementary school.
And I'm embarrassed to admit how much more work I got done when the TV season went into reruns.
Stay cool, bebe!

So yeah. Work stuff first.
We must work at least 8 weekend hours a week to get our $8.00 of pay. Saturday I go in to work and our supervisor, who used to be a pastor and tells the LAMEST jokes possible, tells us that they ran out of the usual records for us to call on but luckily they found something last minute. A...
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We must work at least 8 weekend hours a week to get our $8.00 of pay. Saturday I go in to work and our supervisor, who used to be a pastor and tells the LAMEST jokes possible, tells us that they ran out of the usual records for us to call on but luckily they found something last minute. A...
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It's a really pretty name, no doubt. I have a friend named Danae so that's where I got it, and she's pretty awesome.
Please tell me the above is a joke and they don't have sweatshop call centers phoning random people up to harass them for anti-abortion campaigns.'d think God could sort out the propaganda himself.
P.S. Seriously, thanks for the pics. Don't wait so long before posting some more 
And to follow tradition, now that I've commented you can dutifully update

And to follow tradition, now that I've commented you can dutifully update

Athena Victoria.
Good Grief! I want to have a girl this very moment just to bestow this glorious name to her!
Thank you for the inspiration.
Good Grief! I want to have a girl this very moment just to bestow this glorious name to her!
Thank you for the inspiration.
And yes, geek I am. Yup.