I'm sitting here in my new apartment in Columbus watching The Soup and finally updating. I'm not sure where to start. Perhaps the apartment thing...
It's a duplex in a nice neighborhood. Fully equipped with front porch, backyard, basement, faux fireplace, claw-foot tub, and three other friends. There's two guys, early twentiesish, who live on the other side of the house. They're very nice. They...
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It's a duplex in a nice neighborhood. Fully equipped with front porch, backyard, basement, faux fireplace, claw-foot tub, and three other friends. There's two guys, early twentiesish, who live on the other side of the house. They're very nice. They...
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i still have every desire to meet you and marry you.
ill kepp you up to date on plans and whatnot.
I've been sitting here at the computer, indian-style, for so long my right foot is completely numb. Completely numb is the best. Not the pin needle, prickly numb that shoots an intense sensation up into your calf when your foot is touched. I'm talking about when my foot feels ten sizes too big without feeling anything at all. Someone could shank my foot right now...
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update homeslice.
I'm not in school but when your county is under a level 3 snow warning, it's a snow day for everyone. No driving with the excpetion for emergencies... and I don't believe the authorites will consider my dwindling supply of Hostess HoHo's (individually wrapped) an emergency. Although it's a very big deal to me.
Maybe it's for the best; I've needed an entire day to...
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Maybe it's for the best; I've needed an entire day to...
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This thread made me sad, because I figure you may be there and I definitely won't. June is taking its sweet time in getting here.
I wrote you a letter several weeks ago, that you'll never get. It wasn't a very interesting letter, it could've easily have been a journal comment, but I felt like writing. I do that. I write journal entries that no one ever reads, sometimes it never even leaves my head. I think I just need to get it out of my system.
Anyway, consider this your final comment. It's way past time for an update!
I wrote you a letter several weeks ago, that you'll never get. It wasn't a very interesting letter, it could've easily have been a journal comment, but I felt like writing. I do that. I write journal entries that no one ever reads, sometimes it never even leaves my head. I think I just need to get it out of my system.
Anyway, consider this your final comment. It's way past time for an update!
I might tell you, but you have to ask nicely.
Please. Don't make anymore comments on my first set. The comment count is eleven eleven; that is the wish number. And I wish everything I am working towards pans out. And I am hopeful.
Butt and I are getting tattoos soon. I want to get a black and grey work of my typewriter on my side with a Bukowski quote underneath, in type font. "Writing...
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Butt and I are getting tattoos soon. I want to get a black and grey work of my typewriter on my side with a Bukowski quote underneath, in type font. "Writing...
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Love Brautigan, have you read trout fishing in America??? it has some beautiful lyrical everyman poetry.
Last comment; time to update
(I will when you do)

(I will when you do)
that time i mentioned i was moving
and you said you'd help me move
i almost went out and bought some shit
so i'd need your help to move
cause i got a crush on you
remember that Halloween when i went as Jimmy Dean
you were a princess, or a gypsy, or whatever
i was James Dean
i had a crush on you
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and you said you'd help me move
i almost went out and bought some shit
so i'd need your help to move
cause i got a crush on you
remember that Halloween when i went as Jimmy Dean
you were a princess, or a gypsy, or whatever
i was James Dean
i had a crush on you
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I like your poem 
Siddhartha is one of my favorites, though I've only read a couple short stories by Bukowski. I really enjoyed what I read. I should probably try reading more of his poetry, but my life is overrun with text books right now...

Siddhartha is one of my favorites, though I've only read a couple short stories by Bukowski. I really enjoyed what I read. I should probably try reading more of his poetry, but my life is overrun with text books right now...
Oops, sorry! My mistake.
Let's start with Christmas. Some of my favorite gifts include: a vintage portable Royal typewriter, a national geographic moon that you hang on your wall and it lights up all the moon phases in order, a cigarette case with my initials engraved, an ipod nano, and a subscription to Psychology Today. It was a fantastic Christmas filled with family bonding and moments with my friends....
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Where can I get this moon lamp you speak of?
I did a yahoo search and couldnt find it =(
Thanks in advance.
I did a yahoo search and couldnt find it =(
Thanks in advance.
When you're right, you're right. And thank you.
And it's spelled Karaoke. But even more important, it's actually pronounced Car-Ah-O-Kay, not Carrie-Okee. Four and a half years of Japanese and that's about the only thing I remember.
And it's spelled Karaoke. But even more important, it's actually pronounced Car-Ah-O-Kay, not Carrie-Okee. Four and a half years of Japanese and that's about the only thing I remember.
So I cheated a little bit with the last entry. Who cares? It was a kick ass video and anyone who disagrees must answer to me. (Actually it's not that big of a deal. Like it. Don't like it. I don't care.)
I decided to move to Columbus with my best friend, Butt. Beforehand though, we need to save up money and since working sucks...
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I decided to move to Columbus with my best friend, Butt. Beforehand though, we need to save up money and since working sucks...
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I was waiting until you updated to leave a comment, so you wouldn't miss it.
Dude, seriously, come to Portland! Chuck Palahniuk lives here, and Tom Robbins is just up the road in Washington
We can go to the largest independent bookstore in the country and get Chuck's book about the city and visit all the crazy weird places he talks about.
And I'll teach you how to play 9-ball

Dude, seriously, come to Portland! Chuck Palahniuk lives here, and Tom Robbins is just up the road in Washington

We can go to the largest independent bookstore in the country and get Chuck's book about the city and visit all the crazy weird places he talks about.
And I'll teach you how to play 9-ball

It definitely means you need to update, because you cheated a bit this time anyway 
Plus, I made a major mega update mostly for you. Though I guess by now I should update again as well.
I'm so excited about these superlions, they might be my new favorite animal (I'm kind of fickle that way). Yay, evolution!
Man, I was about to leave this page and go about my other things, but I got caught by your profile pic and stared at it for a bit

Plus, I made a major mega update mostly for you. Though I guess by now I should update again as well.
I'm so excited about these superlions, they might be my new favorite animal (I'm kind of fickle that way). Yay, evolution!
Man, I was about to leave this page and go about my other things, but I got caught by your profile pic and stared at it for a bit

When I was your age I was freeloading in my dad's house, with no job or prospects, and so broke the only thing I could afford to do was walk the 3 miles to the library to read. By the time you hit your mid-20s though, you start to take stock of things.
Put on your seatbelt..... I wanna try something.
Does the Little Mermaid wear an algebra? If God dropped acid, would he see people? If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? Ah. The great mysteries of life.
Last weekend I feel in love with one of the best live bands I've ever seen:
I watched them twice, two days in a...
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Does the Little Mermaid wear an algebra? If God dropped acid, would he see people? If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? Ah. The great mysteries of life.
Last weekend I feel in love with one of the best live bands I've ever seen:
I watched them twice, two days in a...
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If a tinwhistle's made out of tin, what do they make foghorns out of?
Change is inevitible, no need to force it. Good/bad is all illusory. Take what comes, and do what's right to you.
Change is inevitible, no need to force it. Good/bad is all illusory. Take what comes, and do what's right to you.

I recently picked up Centro-Matic's CD. It's pretty solid.
How was your Holiday weekend, luv?
How was your Holiday weekend, luv?