Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY! yayyayay. I hope everyone gets out and VOTES tomorrow.
How was everyone's Halloween? Mine was okay, I guess. I took the Mr.'s son trick-o-treating (which has gotten so LAME since I was a kid) and also had an early pumpkin birthday cake for myself and my soon to be Mother-in-law... I have NO pictures of myself from Halloween!!! I forgot to...
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How was everyone's Halloween? Mine was okay, I guess. I took the Mr.'s son trick-o-treating (which has gotten so LAME since I was a kid) and also had an early pumpkin birthday cake for myself and my soon to be Mother-in-law... I have NO pictures of myself from Halloween!!! I forgot to...
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happy b day! a little late 

I'll probably just be around the quarter, doing a bar crawl.