I love that shirt! I so know how you feel about being broke. My boyfriend recently got a ticket and our cell phones got disconnected due to financial difficulties, so things in the money department. We are trying to save up for a place of our own. We currently live with his family and no privacy. With gas prices over $4 dollars a gallon and raising a 4 year old, it is nearly impossible to save any money! I wish you the best, though! Hopefully, both of us will have some good luck!
Jejejej si la neta mi abuelito es todo un galan y aparte es la pura ondita.
Uhmmm noo ps..si se ponen medio locos los cholos..y hay muchos por all? naaa aqui los chacas nadams te asaltan jajaja nada relevante.
Uyyy esa rolita de los deftones es la neta!!! yo ando bien traumada con la de Sextape..los deftones rifan un chingo..y Abe esta re guapo
Si, lo irnico es que estoy en la situacin Ross-Rachel (No s si viste friends..) Hace un ao estuve comprometida con alguien con el que viv casi tres aos y ahora que estamos separados pasa esto jaja, a ver que resulta. Yo tambin tengo a mi true love se llama Rumba y es una malts, pero ya anda medio celosa del frijol que traigo en la panza jaja.
The Deftones do rock! Sorry, you had to sit at home alone. I hate being alone too! Having friends around to keep you busy or laughing always help. I never like being alone at home or in public. I hope you start feeling better and you get to go out and have some fun!