The components to helping me write today; a glass of milk, a little weed, what's left of a menthol cigarette, and of course a little Fear and Loathing. I am preparing for my best friend's birthday. I have not seen her for a while, and that sucks. But she'll be here for about 2 weeks. I'm very, fucking excited! My plan for her birthday, you... Read More
I had all day to do nothing, so now that I'm out of weed I figured I'd write a blog.
It's very nearly christmas, and I have not done any shopping yet. There are so many things I need to buy, want to buy. blah, lame topic.
I want to decorate my room. I've been home with my parent for nearly a year and... Read More
Yeah. I grew up there. Living in TO now. I spent a lot of time in Princeton as a kid. One of my best friends when I was in highschool was from there. Not a lot to see in Princeton. LOL.
I feel like a dirtbag today. I have been wearing the same clothes 3 days in a row now. Changed undies once. Ya, dirty. haha I just keep forgetting my clothing, so hopefully I go retrieve it today, and than I can change so I don't feel so damn nasty. I'm a nasty, filthy bitch! Spank me!
I start working at the mall tomorrow. Always... Read More