A foot of snow to welcome spring, simply beautifu!!!!
In other stl related news, I need a female partner in crime.....looking for someone who likes art, nature, smokin and joking I have been here for a year and my business had taken up allllllllll of my time and i haven't had time for a social life, time for that to change!!!!
Loving my new town of Saint louis, anyone have any recommendations???? I've seen the arch, the zoo, and the art museum, now what? looking to burn as well if anyone can help
i'm freakin bored!!!! i've lived in this town for two years now and have yet to meet many cool people. i do cool things and go to cool places but i feel like such a recluse down here! it's no orlando, thats for sure but at least i'm by the beach. other then that i'm ready to get outta town!! I'm planning on going to... Read More
once again i find myself preparing to go out of town for the UFC!!!!! This time heading to tampa for the fight night saturday, i can't fucking wait!!!!! i have an extreme case of ants in my pants
I know you have been a fan of my work in the past, so I figured I would let you know my new film is posted in my journal today. Come check it out before YT pulls it down.
i had a bad day today.... the econmy, election, and all the other shit going on in the world are making people fucking crazy!!!!! It seems as though they have no one better to take it out on then me. all day people were fucking rude. rude, rude, rude!!!! all is well now that im home and it's friday! woohoo to the weekend! i'm looking... Read More