i died my hair today. it looks pretty cool. its blonde and purple. i also gat a new tattoo recently on my chest. i'll put some pics up for ya! so check em out!
"Happiness is like a butterfly.
The more you chase it, the more it will elude you.
But if you turn your attention to other things,
it comes and softly sits on your shoulder."
I've come to sit on UR shoulder...... hope u don't mind?????
You see, that is exactly what frightens me the most. The fact that women love to be loved but not wanting to be tied down. Damn that just doesn't make me feel any better about my situation. Darn it Becki!!!! Thanks a whole bunch lol. Ok i was mostly joking. but that fact still doesn't make me feel too good. You take care and have an awesome week!
i went to sarasota for a couple of days and it was great! i went out on the water for the first time! it was soo fucking amazing being out on the water on a jet ski doing jumps and then ending up on this little island and watching the dolphins! i just learned how to swim so this was a huge step for me!... Read More
i went to warped tour yesturday and it was pretty good! i love hawthorne heights, but they really make me miss ohio! maybe i'll move back, who knows what will happen?! i realized im old yesturday though, because ive been going to warped tour for almost 10 years, i stood in the back for all the bands and bitched until i found the "beer garden"!... Read More
i went to sarasota for a couple of days and it was great! i went out on the water for the first time! it was soo fucking amazing being out on the water on a jet ski doing jumps and then ending up on this little island and watching the dolphins! i just learned how to swim so this was a huge step for me! days like that are making it hard for me to leave florida. i dont think i can just go find an island and watch dolphins if i'm living in chicago or cincinnati. but who knows crazier things have happened!
happy 4th of july everyone!
i saw a ton of fireworks last night right from the comfort of my balcony and then from the pool! it was so beautiful! so what holidays next? im ready for another excuse not to work!
Still as steamy as the afternoon was the hot night air. The day once blue like the sea on a nice day turned black. I yearned for him where it throbbed, in all of its wetness, in all of its swollen pinkness. I did. I wanted him so bad. I knew Master was coming as soon as I saw you, who had come to help the servants dress me this time. You zipped the PVC bodysuit, as I exhaled the last breath of air in my body. So tight, and the collar, so constraining; That made no difference now, as I was so hurriedly readied to be attended to by Master. After all, I was his favorite.
I recall the beginning of all of this; Being brought to here, cold and hungry, to this dark kingdom, this beautiful kingdom, as a gift, as a princess. Only my transparent blond locks of hair and handcuffs clothed me on the way here. My naked back, my bare breasts. I had nothing. I was lifted up off the back of the horse I was brought here on, and painfully my wrists were freed as he fastened a leash to my neck, set me on the paved entrance, force- fed me wine and told me I'll crawl everywhere I am taken. I was made to crawl everywhere then.
Now I crawl obediently. I do all he asks. Now I have Him.
Then I restlessly struggled to loosen the relentless tape binding my naked parts together, as though I could. I would hold my thighs together with all of my strength, only for them to be stripped apart for Master to reveal and enter me. That was before the dungeon's torture. Before the sex on the marble statues of men. Before the hooks and the pulleys chains that would thrust me up and down on at first what I thought to only be sick decor. The countless collection of statues, erect in all his naked glory, mythically fashioned after my well-endowed master, are now as much a part of me as him. Now I welcome the tape.
He showed me his mercy by the occasional slave strapped into position there in the dungeon. The slaves only entered my body with their erection in one place at a time. And they were warm and they helped moisten me, squirting me full of them, which helped keep me ready for the statues. Most of the cold marble men were sculpted to possess two, and entered both of me without emotion; If I opened my mouth the machines would go faster, as if a reminder of my purpose, and if I cried my already-arched back would be tightened, as I was now clothed extensively in harnesses.
When you finished we lowered our bodies to the ground and she followed me at his request to the courtyard's mosaic center.
Then I felt him enter me.
He snuck up on me, and at that instant I was so fully penetrated, so fully satisfied. You crawled to my face just in time to block my moan from escaping my mouth by covering it with her's. Your dark hair intermingled with my moonlit blond locks and Master jerked my body on his while you kissed me. Our mouths were separated to drink more wine, and, by Master's slight hand movement, your three favorite male slaves rushed to penetrate us the rest of the way. Me and you took them face-to-face.
The mosaic was as symmetrical as the six of us, and at that moment seemed to be moving with our bodies, as if to mimic an ebb and flow of the ocean tides. As it began to rain the skies chilled my body; It awarded me heightened sensation with each drop. Come said Master. He had a special way of speaking to me. And my body released my energy; my sex throbbed as it tightened, gripping Master's cock as he emptied into me, all while the others kept the rhythm, all while it kept going on and on. Where I used to beg him to stop at this point my body was accustomed to keep taking it. I had taken it harder than this. This was easy. I had taken it so much harder than this.
He told the rest of you what he had just told me, and then he took you and I away from the others, and gave you to a slave. You were sent to the dungeon because I moaned? I wondered if Master would go get you later, as he had before.
Come to me tonight
See the things I see, if only for a night
Enter this euphoric state
I call it my reality
You call it an excuse
See what I see
Youll be jealous of my bliss
Come to me tonight
We may not have tomorrow
I loved today
As if it was my last
Now are you jealous
inhale your surroundings
Now,... Read More
I love your poem, I can visualize it, when you spend as many nights out in the open as I do it is so easy to get lost in this poem of yours, keep them coming. There's a little secluded beach in Puerto Rico, Northwest side by a little town called Isabela, you will find the type of privacy you seek next time you want to shoot at a beach, plus the surfing is more than alright, go in the winter!!
so i finally got a new puppy! for those of you who dont know my last dog was killed by another dog last january. i hate pit bulls. i love chihuahuas! his name is emmanuel lewis but we call him webster for short! he's 3 pounds and adorable!
i went to a wedding yesterday out in bradenton. it was on the beach right around sunset.... Read More
Being married and coming home to some one who loves you would be great We should do that some time!Plus the best part is mugging people,its easy with two people one kneels down behind the victem while the other pushes the victem over! I am telling you there is so much married people have to enjoy!
Just back from a month away from the old
Profile, Bookmark and Comment World.
Truly I missed it. There can be huge misses
on line, but when you compare it to trying to
make sense of what people are saying in the
street it's like the French Academy, or something.
Have I told you lately you are real pretty.
You are real pretty. I'm glad to be back
in touch with my friends, is what I'm thinking.
hey everyone! sorry if i havent gotten back to you yet! i went on an amazing vaction and left the computer behind! sorry, but im getting back to ya'll asap!
ok, the story behind the almost arrest! we were getting to the final shots of the day, yes the nude ones! and we had kind of gathered a crowd at this point when all of the sudden the beach patrol came and told us we didnt have permits and it wasnt appropriate for that beach, playlinda is not a nude beach believe it or not!... Read More
lol, that is so funny. But yes, Playalinda is NO LONGER a nude beach. They cracked down on it several years ago. That was about the time that they outlawed thongs on the beach.
Why do people without morals try to pretend they have them and then run for political offices? bleh.
wow! its finally up! i hope you all love it! i appreciate all the feedback and i really wanna know what you guys think.
on another note, it's pouring in orlando.. i thought it was supposed to be sunny everyday. oh well. i'll be in my beautiful hometown next week and i get to see my old friends up in cininnatti, i cant wait! i'm... Read More
"Happiness is like a butterfly.
The more you chase it, the more it will elude you.
But if you turn your attention to other things,
it comes and softly sits on your shoulder."
ohhhh and here have a WARM FUZZY!!!!!!
Hope ur day goes GREAT and everything is just FUCKIN GRADE A DANDY!!!! lol
xOxO ~ PiNkY