One of my bestfriends traveled from DC to FL to stay at the beach with me this weekend, and it was soooo much fun. I miss her already!
This week has been insane. I’m currently working my last 2 shifts at the pub i work at this weekend and start training at a new restaurant with completely opposite hours next week. So here are some selfies from this week. Besides creating and selling jewelry, lifting weights and playing with makeup are sooooo therapeutic to me. Those 3 things occupy almost all of my time. My love for lifting is what gave me the confidence to even shoot my first set, and i have a barbell tatted on my sternum. ;)
Sometimes i sell jewelry and don’t wear it first, but i hadddddd to create a look to go with this baby before i sent it to its new owner. :)
I went to the beach and the gym today. Lovingggg this Florida weather on my day off. 😻😻😻☀️☀️☀️☺️☺️☺️
I survived my “work week” and got to enjoy the FL sun finally... 🙏🙏🙏☀️☀️☀️