So I'm really sorry I've been like MIA the past week or so I've been working 14 hour days and I'm finally finished with them ! So i will be back to blog my little heart out!

Currently I'm sitting at work and it's super slow, I'm eating gummy bears waiting for my clients to get here! I love being able to do such cool...
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are they Haribo???
They are! But I only eat the red ones @werlywolf

Well it's Tuesday and I'm off from work and up way too early, drinking coffee and watching it snow.

Last night I got the email I have been waiting for! I got to see my first set shot by the beautiful @alissa and I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am for everyone to see it! Also did I mention that the...
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Can't wait for your new set to be up. @alissa is so friggin awesome at what she does I'm sure your set will be ridiculously amazing ;)

helllloo beautiful people!

Sorry I'm so terrible at blogging I'm currently doing everything on my iPad and it's just not as easy as it should be! So I'll unload now

Well I woke up this morning and I opened up SG (as I do every morning) and I saw that @alissa is prepping my debut set! I can't even begin to tell you how excited...
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I'm sure your first set will make everyone excited as well lol enjoy your day ^^

Well it's Friday and I'm sitting in the car smoking a cigarette and listening to the rain.

I've been feelin the blues lately from the holiday season and I just can't seem to shake them. Missing people sucks :/

i feel ya babe! missing someone youve never had sucks too 😞
<3 Throw me in that lot too : \

I'm having such a terrible, terrible day anything that can to wrong did and I honestly just want it to end. I just wanna go home and smoke and sleep till I feel better! Ugh

Well I guess I should get back to work -____-

I hope everyone has a better night than I am 😘💕

: ( Want to come breed fake internet dragons with me? That's where my life is right now LoL *smooch&love*
You make me smile so hard! Love you so mucho 😘💕 @duo

So first off I just wanna say sorry I kinda suck/slack on blogging. So I'm just gonna basically unload now

Sunday I went to the black heart burlesque and it was crazy amazing I don't think I've even seen a show so entertaining and I also had the pleasure of meeting a few beautiful SGs

And that was my Sunday. Monday and Tuesday are kinda...
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finally Sunday, I can't even begin to explain how excited am I for today first off it's beautiful outside and secondly tonight I go to see the BHB! I'm crazy excited and I'm anxious to get to meet some awesome people.

On a totally different note the way the sky looks from my bedroom window is insanely pretty.

Well I'm gonna go try and start...
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So I'm terrible at blogging but whatever

It's Wednesday and I really don't feel like working on such a slow slow day on the upside I bought a instax camera yesterday and I'm obsessed with it I've done nothing but take tons of pictures since i got it.

Also Sunday is the BHB in Williamsburg Brooklyn and I'm super duper excited I can't wait to...
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Have a wonderful day yourself lady.

Sundays at my favorite days. I love being lazy in my sundies all day long hanging with my cats and making tacos. Life really can't get any better right now. Im also super excited to say that I'm gearing up to do another shoot clearly I will share all my BTS shots here for all you beautiful people. I hope everyone has a wonderful night.


I really hope today is one of the busy piercing days for me like some awesome piercings on some rad people! i must say since the slower season has starter not many people are getting stuff done.

Welp, here's to hopefully a busy a day in the shop.