Here's a normal picture for a change xD
All the best to you and your loved ones!!
Here's a normal picture for a change xD
All the best to you and your loved ones!!
Made my new Patreon Set that will be available shortly :)
I wanted to share a few pics with you hihihi!
It's nothing much, but I really liked the Preview so I decided to share :)
Btw these were made in Switzerland :)
Ishhh... that's so far away! It's going to be winter in Montreal.. with lots of snow!
Anyway, just wanted to share the news :)
Yup, I did it for real this time!
There were complications - I wasn't alone in the house to make the shoot, so that sucked bigtime!
I went to that beautiful room I mentioned in a recent post, thinking that by renting the house for two hours I'd have it for myself... well that was silly. (full story lower)
Picture: Photographer / Model's POV ;)
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My SG shoot was canceled last week :/ The person organizing the location let us know last minute that it wasn't happening!
Buuuuttt....!!! I got to rent the same place for myself and am doing it this coming weekend! Ouff! Got scared for a moment... I bought a kit and everything...!
Anyway, just wanted to give you an update, lol :)
Here's a pic from...
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Hiiii :)
I wanted to give you a little taste of my hottest self-portrait set.... ever. It's called Wild Thing, and you can find it here!
Those who've seen it can approve that it's probably my best one yet ;)
The next SG set is still happening TOMORROW! I'm going to buy some lingerie tonight, and I'm getting new tires installed on
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Okay..... I am SO EXCITED about this!
A photographer friend posted on facebook that he's renting a luxurious house this weekend, and I reserved a spot to shoot my next SG set in this beautiful and luminous room:
The only thing that can go wrong is if the other models come to shoot outside and I lose my privacy. I specifically asked if I could
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A few weeks ago, I wanted to make a new SG set (I know..: how many times am I going to say it before I actually put one up?)
and gave up mid-way for... I can't remember exactly the reason, but I'm sure it was something like: I didn't think it was good enough.
Last week, I published a photo from that unfinished set on...
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I found the other pics that I wrote about last time (one of my favorite photoshoots made by another photographer)
So here they are :)
Color or B/W? I think I prefer the color, but both look awesome!
Seems like he made my boobs a bit bigger on the next pic...
and the one I posted last time:
Wishing you all a great day!!!