so back from LA, it was quite fun. The shoot was soooooo long. Mitchiko and I hadto drive back home afterwords, that was a low point. I did stop in to trashy lingirie and picked up a verynice pink and black zebra corset.
All the girls I met were so cool. I was anticipating that everyone was going to be lame or snobby but they...
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All the girls I met were so cool. I was anticipating that everyone was going to be lame or snobby but they...
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I can't believe you had to drive all the way home. I'm glad you made it though, I would have passed out at the wheel! Your corset sounds hot, you should let me see you in it sometime!
D'oh. Too late. She took off Sunday evening.
I leave for LA tommorrow. I have high hopes but am really not sure what to expect. I'm going to a pychobilly show tomorow after we get there. That be fun. The video shoot will be so overwelming. I'm really curious and what is gonna happen. one thing I must keep telling myself when I am in LA is not to shop. not to shop....
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haha it is kewl. But it owuld have been nice to see all you ladies where i live haha i sooo woulda crashed that set haha
m7 d34r, h4v3 y0u b33n pl4y1n6 CS r3l1610u5l7 L1k3 1 45k3d y0u t0???
4nd h4v3 fun 1n L4*m155 y0u 4lr3d7*

4nd h4v3 fun 1n L4*m155 y0u 4lr3d7*

So I know I've been bad about writing regularly but ya see the problem is that since they changed the format I haven't been able to log on at home because my computer is so old. I only can log on at work and I sometimes forget to. So sorry....
Halloween was nice. I was Vampira and Michiko was The Bride. We go-go danced and...
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Halloween was nice. I was Vampira and Michiko was The Bride. We go-go danced and...
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well shit... i made a wacky audrey the giant thingy but cant get the pics section to work on this crappy new layout... its not that cool anyways.. but atleast i tried... maybe i'll be able to get it up in a few days... ever heard that before?
peece pal.
peece pal.
ok... so i got it... its pikkie number one in my pikkie department... though surprising it may lack to be... atleast i did something ..damb it!!... anyways... you'r rad... i put you on my friends list... and i'll try to remain cogniscent and coherant... and find out how to spell cognisent...
So its been awhile since I wrot anything. I've been busy with school and work. I did get to see Queens of the stone age last weekend, and they were soooooooooo good. And they had one hot drummer.
So halloween is a comin soon. I think I'm gonna be vampira, its nothing new but its something.
So halloween is a comin soon. I think I'm gonna be vampira, its nothing new but its something.
....where did my favorite SG go?...

You are entirely too hot for what, Burbank?
so I'm sick as a dog... speaking of dogs my folksare gone foe the week so I am dog sitting. They only live like a half hour away from me but its still crampingmy style. I have to stay over there because the dog will get scared at my house.
Going to social distortion this friday, I think it might suck but its free so...
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Going to social distortion this friday, I think it might suck but its free so...
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hey, i love your sets; you're wicked hawt.
feel better sweety*

so I went to slim's last night in hopes of seeing tony trujillo who is a total fox. It was the skater of the year video release party. But me having to work late made me miss al of the festivities and tony. damn it!!! I did get a really good sleep last night though. how dull.
My friends band STILETTA is playing at blakes...
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My friends band STILETTA is playing at blakes...
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I've never heard of any of these places. It would appear that I am a geek. Audrey on the other hand is beyond hot.
Hey, what's up. I finally got my internet up and running, so I thought I'd drop you a lil something. By the way, my band is playing with Stiletta again at iMusicast on Oct. 10th. Be there!
so I'm back from Providence. IT WAS SOOOOO FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! California has the best weather, weel more specificly Oakland has the best weather.
So last night Mitchiko and I go-go danced for Plan 9. I was Vampira and she was the bride. I felt a little silly at first but dancing to the Misfits is pretty easy. And I must say think I did a...
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So last night Mitchiko and I go-go danced for Plan 9. I was Vampira and she was the bride. I felt a little silly at first but dancing to the Misfits is pretty easy. And I must say think I did a...
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So waht can I say Audrey....what a dramatic weekend. I just wanted to say to you that
I love you very much and that you are one of my best friends
I want you to be happy in life esp. in the boy dept. I know things are kind of up
in the air and you are thinking about a lot of things right now but I am here for you and I am
totally down to hear your thoughts and concerns......I know you know I dont agree with a lot of things
that are happening right now but as your friend, I am here for you. OK!!?? I just want things to work out for you
and I dont want you to have to deal with unnecessary BS cuz yuo deserve the BEST!
that's all...Oh..we gotta go to Silver Lion this week, Maybe Tues...
I love you very much and that you are one of my best friends

I want you to be happy in life esp. in the boy dept. I know things are kind of up
in the air and you are thinking about a lot of things right now but I am here for you and I am
totally down to hear your thoughts and concerns......I know you know I dont agree with a lot of things
that are happening right now but as your friend, I am here for you. OK!!?? I just want things to work out for you
and I dont want you to have to deal with unnecessary BS cuz yuo deserve the BEST!
that's all...Oh..we gotta go to Silver Lion this week, Maybe Tues...
how do you learn to go-go dance? just watch old movies? every time i've tried a feel like a fool 

so I think my cavity was making my glands swell and also making me feel like shit. I'mmuch better now. Mitchiko and I are going to forever 21 tonight for some cheap shopping, the best kind!!
I leave for providence on thursday morning. I'm visiting my godsister. Someone told me that only hawaiian people have godsister. I kinda believe him.
I leave for providence on thursday morning. I'm visiting my godsister. Someone told me that only hawaiian people have godsister. I kinda believe him.
glad you are feelin better!!.. have fun shoppin!

Iam hating life right now!!!!!
i am sick. I think I have the mumps. I want to go home (I'm at work). I want to go to sleep. I'can't because I'm the only manager here. crap.

that suckdiddlyucks. dont you have sick leave?
Sorry. I don't know what the mumps are but I hope you get better.
so finally a new journal entry. time slips away so fast sometimes, well especially wereyour drinking alot. I'm not prowd its just a fact. Started summer school and I actaly like the class.Geographical measurement. pretty dorky I guess. My birthday was ok. kinda dull. movie. dinner. sleep.
I like my second set better than the first but some ofthe pictures I felt should have been...
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I like my second set better than the first but some ofthe pictures I felt should have been...
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actually, i love your beerwolf set. i think it's fabulous*
You look stunning in both sets.