Hello my lovelies,
I am SO sorry I haven't been blogging since Monday; I've been really unwell and on top of that I'm being bullied at work. So I'm not very cheerful!! This is just a really quick little love letter to tell you all that I haven't forgotten you and that I will be writing a full brand-spanking (Oooh!) new blog tomorrow, complete with...
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I am SO sorry I haven't been blogging since Monday; I've been really unwell and on top of that I'm being bullied at work. So I'm not very cheerful!! This is just a really quick little love letter to tell you all that I haven't forgotten you and that I will be writing a full brand-spanking (Oooh!) new blog tomorrow, complete with...
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Not certain if this fits your situation, but bullies tend to seek out those from whom they can get a satisfying response. Perhaps you are unconsciously giving the bully satisfaction in some way, or presenting what he or she sees as an easy target? It sucks to have to change oneself due to another's thoughtlessness, but sometimes it's necessary for survivalnonetheless, no? Good luck with that situation, and don't let it get you down. I've found that a large number of drinks can also help remedy most situations, temporarily.. Of nothing else, you may be so hung over the next day that you can't be bothered with bulllying!
I hope everything gets better for you.
So here are my microdermals As the piercer said, the dressings started to peel of in the shower, so I followed his advice and redressed them without touching or washing them (hence the blood) I'll be able to bathe them in boiled water and rock salt tomorrow night and hopefully post a cleaner photo!! So far, I've had a really negative response about them on...
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I know a lot of girls with them here in Japan, and they are considered very cool. Some do several in a pattern (waves, cross, etc.). I personally think they look great on the chest or arms. If you like them, then everyone else can bugger off.
I love them!!! And it gives me something to focus on besides your eyes and the obvious.
Hey everyone!
Just a really quick message as I have TERRIBLE wifi here in Bordeaux to say a huuuuuuuuge THANK YOU to loll of you who have been so lovely and given me so much love on my set. I am honestly astonished and ever so flattered!! I have another set to submit wen I get back to the uk too I had so much...
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Just a really quick message as I have TERRIBLE wifi here in Bordeaux to say a huuuuuuuuge THANK YOU to loll of you who have been so lovely and given me so much love on my set. I am honestly astonished and ever so flattered!! I have another set to submit wen I get back to the uk too I had so much...
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you rock so much you should already be pink
"Your the total SG package looking forward to your next set"
Comic-Book Storie
SG Set
Hello SG!
Sorry I've been a bit quiet again, been busy busy packing to go to France (and it's especially hard to find clothes when everything is still in bags and boxes...), plus I've been working my little ass off at the hospital! So I'm flying tomorrow and won't be back until Wednesday morning but please don't forget me!! My set comes out on Sunday...
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Sorry I've been a bit quiet again, been busy busy packing to go to France (and it's especially hard to find clothes when everything is still in bags and boxes...), plus I've been working my little ass off at the hospital! So I'm flying tomorrow and won't be back until Wednesday morning but please don't forget me!! My set comes out on Sunday...
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O-M-G! You are too frickin adorable! I love your set I hope you go pink super soon!
you are amazing
youve got such beautiful eyes
hope you get your pink soon as your so much sexier than some of the girls ive seen on here x
youve got such beautiful eyes
hope you get your pink soon as your so much sexier than some of the girls ive seen on here x
Hey everyone!!
FINALLY the weekend begins!! So glad its finally here!! One more day of work next week then I'm off to Bordeaux for almost a week to become a Godmother!! Very excited about the prospect, little Hugo won't know what he's in for!!
I reeeeeally want some collar bone microdermals. But I just can't afford them I was hoping to get them done this...
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FINALLY the weekend begins!! So glad its finally here!! One more day of work next week then I'm off to Bordeaux for almost a week to become a Godmother!! Very excited about the prospect, little Hugo won't know what he's in for!!
I reeeeeally want some collar bone microdermals. But I just can't afford them I was hoping to get them done this...
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personally, I like the 3rd from the top ( gurl in blue ) they're * slightly * higher in relation to her clavicle than the ones in the first pic...But where ever you decide to have them placed, bear in mind that you may want to add 2 more so you can have them in pairs..
Gratz on becoming a Godmother, l'il Hugo is one lucky fella! ( even if he doesn't realise it yet )
...now where'd i stash my Goduncle wand @...
Gratz on becoming a Godmother, l'il Hugo is one lucky fella! ( even if he doesn't realise it yet )
...now where'd i stash my Goduncle wand @...
It's the first time i think the rainny wheather is great! More time for us! yay!
Hey SGland,
Sorry I've been quiet again, been feeling really...BLAH this weekend. I've gone from being so busy I can barely keep my eyes open at night to just vegetating in my shithole of a flat!!
Anyway, I have some EXCITING news!! Before I submitted my set to SG, I sent some photos into FRONT magazine, more as a bit of a laugh than anything...
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Sorry I've been quiet again, been feeling really...BLAH this weekend. I've gone from being so busy I can barely keep my eyes open at night to just vegetating in my shithole of a flat!!
Anyway, I have some EXCITING news!! Before I submitted my set to SG, I sent some photos into FRONT magazine, more as a bit of a laugh than anything...
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Awesome! I haven't picked up Front in a while. Now I definitely have a reason topick it up this month!
god dam you are hawt!!!!!!
i think i love you already
i think i love you already
So its gone 3:15am here in the UK and I'm totally not tired. So I'm gonna talk some more shit whilst watching my Metallica DVD haha. Last weekend I visited an animal sanctuary, animal cruelty is something that angers me greatly, and it was so heartbreaking to see such sweet animals being so scared of people!! The sanctuary itself is gold-standard, they do an amazing...
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i love your make up
bahhh what a pretty lady! such captivating eyes
Hey everyone!!
I'm Astoria, but everyone calls me Storie I'm so excited to finally be here!!
I have fuck all idea what I should be writing here...so I'm just gonna blab on about my life for a while. I'm 22, I love good sex, good music, good food and good company. I have a mildly unhealthy obsession with zombies and its difficult to pull me...
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I'm Astoria, but everyone calls me Storie I'm so excited to finally be here!!
I have fuck all idea what I should be writing here...so I'm just gonna blab on about my life for a while. I'm 22, I love good sex, good music, good food and good company. I have a mildly unhealthy obsession with zombies and its difficult to pull me...
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Great to see you here - at last!
great Pics ❤️
We miss you ♡ hope you are ok :)