Garlic butter part of the "conservation" process? **I'm getting an un-wanted/planned 3 day weekend [ once again because a co-worker DIDN'T do their job], and having to burn some vacation days to keep my paycheck up to par. ** Have Fun.
I've found zooming all the way out in Fallout Shelter eliminates all of the dweller action graphics and I can do other things without as much of a hit on responsiveness. Also, in Witcher 3, are you relying on a balance of alchemy, magic, and combat or focusing on any of the three more than the others? I went with the easy setting in the first two and primarily used combat. I'm not terribly good at multitasking with my abilities. I got some money for my birthday and am thinking I may go ahead and buy Witcher 3 at full price rather than wait for the next sale. I did pre-order Fallout 4 for my birthday, too. New Vegas was the last game I pre-ordered.