Brinny and I had prepared for this set for about 3 weeks. I hand-sewed the overall skirt I am wearing. Brinny found the location we shot at.
This was an overall strange area. Had like a Texas Chainsaw Massacre feel to it. Broken down cars with garbage in it, tires strewn about, old rusted bed springs littered the surrounding area. The fabric of this place was eaten away long ago. We
crawled over all this junk to get to a ladder that went up to a loft in this barn. This loft was pretty odd... there was a bunch of dark areas and hay. The roof was collapsed to one side and light pored through the weathered holes.
It had the feel I wanted.
I, all colorful against the bleak gray of this place, the green of the tall grass.
Just me and my lolly.
Keeping my tongue sweet.