Who is this rediculous girl?
Its long, and the important piece is too short, but at about 3:14, you can see the same mysterious rediculous girl getting her back broken with boots and batons, and her dear little friends face getting curbstomped, rescued by comerades because the brutality was never ending and there was no getting away. Mysterious rediculous girl wishes to thank those comerades,...
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Its long, and the important piece is too short, but at about 3:14, you can see the same mysterious rediculous girl getting her back broken with boots and batons, and her dear little friends face getting curbstomped, rescued by comerades because the brutality was never ending and there was no getting away. Mysterious rediculous girl wishes to thank those comerades,...
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The boy on the bicycle was on repeat with his `Choose Life` mantra and it took me more than a little while to realize he meant i had given up. The wind blew that construction tarp through my mind until the snow was here to stay and I remembered that car ride and the first little white flake and how sweared so loud and long...
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Your energy is awesome in the original sense and you perfectly translate it into words.
either one of you girls! apathy or lily! fucking call me!
apathy, i swear to FUCKING JAH i wll get you out of that hell hole.... come see me! no way you will get stranded!
i'm doing what i said i was gonna do, drinking beliegerantly... trying to get on novel's nerves but he keeps being resistant...
i love you girlie.
keep your head up, i'm waiting under the palm trees for you, kissing them like a hippie.
apathy, i swear to FUCKING JAH i wll get you out of that hell hole.... come see me! no way you will get stranded!
i'm doing what i said i was gonna do, drinking beliegerantly... trying to get on novel's nerves but he keeps being resistant...
i love you girlie.
keep your head up, i'm waiting under the palm trees for you, kissing them like a hippie.
I laughed because i was hiding under the table and you always tell yourself what you would do in the situation but then its happening and im doing the pee dance almost im lost in front of the mirror because theres too many windows. DioDog the big shame does dick fuck all as the door came down in splinters and the half hour standoff was...
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Nobody of any importance cares about anything of any importance.
What's important?
your wrong
Nothing is important
Do you understand with fading memories?
I can't imagine what I've forgotten.
How true to think and feel; how false to believe it is real.
What's important?
Nothing is important?
We believe to fail in ourselves what is concealed is real before us we see...nothing matters yet we continue to breathe death is without desire as life is without aim. We cleanse our minds of sorrows blade what lament to feel it is real and delude ourselves to feel and steal, emotional assault.
It's not yours or mine it's not his or hers it's not there's but rather ours. Curses for self inside of doubt to think before we wept. I slept a year alone inside my head drowning in oblivion, it screamed for release and bled into life...but unable to drown the material world I drown within myself emotional destruction was what was left.
How I think to myself...Truth...nothing is important...nothing is real...nothing is all we have.
Believe truth before you believe it is real.
I think before I speak, I speak before I think.
Your thoughts are worthless. Your life is worthless. Everything is worthless.
This is all we have and this is all we know, this nothingness is important stop denying existence its right to exist.
How dare you...how dare we.
Life is pointless and is of all importance.
How dare you...how dare we.
What's important?
your wrong
Nothing is important
Do you understand with fading memories?
I can't imagine what I've forgotten.
How true to think and feel; how false to believe it is real.
What's important?
Nothing is important?
We believe to fail in ourselves what is concealed is real before us we see...nothing matters yet we continue to breathe death is without desire as life is without aim. We cleanse our minds of sorrows blade what lament to feel it is real and delude ourselves to feel and steal, emotional assault.
It's not yours or mine it's not his or hers it's not there's but rather ours. Curses for self inside of doubt to think before we wept. I slept a year alone inside my head drowning in oblivion, it screamed for release and bled into life...but unable to drown the material world I drown within myself emotional destruction was what was left.
How I think to myself...Truth...nothing is important...nothing is real...nothing is all we have.
Believe truth before you believe it is real.
I think before I speak, I speak before I think.
Your thoughts are worthless. Your life is worthless. Everything is worthless.
This is all we have and this is all we know, this nothingness is important stop denying existence its right to exist.
How dare you...how dare we.
Life is pointless and is of all importance.
How dare you...how dare we.
<3 i miss you rabbit
It is because the world is so far away and quiet that is the reason behind writing things on dead trees. To be the girl in the mirror again only this time I dont know what to tell her. Maybe he was right when he said I missed, I just never realize im taking aim. For 11 days now I havent moved further than a...
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Is Apathy still out there somewhere? In this bloody cold?
your beautiful!
That top pic just rocks!
The fact that you used the word "feral" makes me appreciate that you are more than a "little" wild. Feral is more than a word. it is an emotion that i have let overcome me all my life. feral is a state of mind. If you need i feel , if you want i obey. if you desire i obtain. freedom is a desert that can't contain.
Je taime!
Je taime!
We were a few hundred strong, and even a marching band made noise.
Little kids with slingshots, bigger kids with rocks. We cheered when they set the helicopter out. We booed when the riot shields came out. They did a fine job at dispersing us, trying to quiet any form of opposition. My friend turned worried eyes towards me, and I told her all would...
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Little kids with slingshots, bigger kids with rocks. We cheered when they set the helicopter out. We booed when the riot shields came out. They did a fine job at dispersing us, trying to quiet any form of opposition. My friend turned worried eyes towards me, and I told her all would...
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when are you coming hommmmmmmmme?
yeah i've been seeing montreal in the news a lot lately. seems like absolute chaos.
Grunge Lola
SG Set
run run run! the train comes while were sleeping awake to sunshine and the warmest day i have seen yet this year. we fight the law and the law wins... again. No walkietalkies so i can walk free as I feel without them knowing they should have taken me. bahahahaa we say and my fine that i could never pay anyway will see the end...
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I dunno where I want to live. Why do i have to choose just one spot.
All I can say is, me too.
I've never met anyone who travels who doesn't do so in part due to addiction of some kind.
And somehow this stops me from leaving-
having no faith in humans.
Tell me, do you know anyone, have you met anyone, or are you one of those people I've never met or heard of?
All I can say is, me too.
I've never met anyone who travels who doesn't do so in part due to addiction of some kind.
And somehow this stops me from leaving-
having no faith in humans.
Tell me, do you know anyone, have you met anyone, or are you one of those people I've never met or heard of?
Your adventures always seem so colorful and exciting. Good luck with everything and happy journey.

I want I want I want to have fun too.
I want I want I want to have fun too.
What is it with the Japanese and abusing themselves?? LOL even though it's funny as hell!! I wanna play that game!! I'm sure I'd get wet alot but I like the water 

heee heee!!
Sorry I've been so scarce lately -- I'm gonna try and do better. Hope life's been treating you decently -- and that the worst of the frigid temperatures are behind us. Will you be doing tree-plant again this year? Or maybe venturing down US-ways? Dunno when I'll get back to your neck of the woods -- seems unlikely any time soon.
Oh... and you don't get to decide if you're a poet or not. You are -- even if you try not to be. So just smile and live with it.
Thinkin' of you!
Sorry I've been so scarce lately -- I'm gonna try and do better. Hope life's been treating you decently -- and that the worst of the frigid temperatures are behind us. Will you be doing tree-plant again this year? Or maybe venturing down US-ways? Dunno when I'll get back to your neck of the woods -- seems unlikely any time soon.
Oh... and you don't get to decide if you're a poet or not. You are -- even if you try not to be. So just smile and live with it.

Thinkin' of you!

every amoeba within ime is going to try and get this out
this is a once in a lifetime pooptunity for you|||!!!
stupid french keyboards. youd know what i meant ieff you lived here.
i posted some copyrighted apparently```v ideos up there so check it out
im lost in the sound
they got dleeted off youtube but nooobody ever suspects the suicidegirl!!!!!
typing is fucked...
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this is a once in a lifetime pooptunity for you|||!!!
stupid french keyboards. youd know what i meant ieff you lived here.
i posted some copyrighted apparently```v ideos up there so check it out
im lost in the sound
they got dleeted off youtube but nooobody ever suspects the suicidegirl!!!!!
typing is fucked...
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Sounds like the fight is almost over, spred your wings. Let those who love you, love you, those who don't may god turn their hearts, if he can't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles, so you can see them by their limping.
I understand WTF, funny how it's F.T.W backwards. Both imply disaproval. If you understand the second than V.D.C.H should also be familiar. Even in those days it was social programing for a counter culture, the drug culture. Look at those participants now, they are the one leading this world. Sellouts if you ask me. They fell into the game to distract them from the dream long enough to control them The same symbolism used in Nazi Germany is used with corperate advertising, think brand recongition. Everyone wants to be a part of something except those who are free. Those who are free, get to pick and choose.
Do your travels define you, are they an escape, or a search for something? Are you following your dreams or leading them?
Wandering around souless and crying, taking comfort in strangers and what they have to offer won't pull you through hard times. The releif offered is only a temporary distraction.
Go alone, only you know the way. Its the only way life can be defined with certainty, certainty in life will be the shield and the magnet. Those who entice you, distract you, could also be programming you. The experience of the road will guide you to your preverbial cactus, just don't lean too hard on it.
I understand WTF, funny how it's F.T.W backwards. Both imply disaproval. If you understand the second than V.D.C.H should also be familiar. Even in those days it was social programing for a counter culture, the drug culture. Look at those participants now, they are the one leading this world. Sellouts if you ask me. They fell into the game to distract them from the dream long enough to control them The same symbolism used in Nazi Germany is used with corperate advertising, think brand recongition. Everyone wants to be a part of something except those who are free. Those who are free, get to pick and choose.
Do your travels define you, are they an escape, or a search for something? Are you following your dreams or leading them?
Wandering around souless and crying, taking comfort in strangers and what they have to offer won't pull you through hard times. The releif offered is only a temporary distraction.
Go alone, only you know the way. Its the only way life can be defined with certainty, certainty in life will be the shield and the magnet. Those who entice you, distract you, could also be programming you. The experience of the road will guide you to your preverbial cactus, just don't lean too hard on it.
for you today .....HAPPY VALENTINE DAY MY DEAR!!!.

walk out of my 1 month home. i have limited time here, im told. for whatever reason i fail to care about.
i feel like trash shouting. You think you know me!?!? You have no idea!!!! and have a falling-out junkie scream fest. but everyone thinks that way about themselves. i realize words have little importance when directed to others and drink a silent response....
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i feel like trash shouting. You think you know me!?!? You have no idea!!!! and have a falling-out junkie scream fest. but everyone thinks that way about themselves. i realize words have little importance when directed to others and drink a silent response....
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Why are you throwing up luv?

So you're pucking and have a broken tailebone?
I've broken my tailbone before and it sucks I know.
I've broken my tailbone before and it sucks I know.
So wandering around in the snowflakes, I decided to throw myself into some sort of government assistance.
Id seen the building, and the people huddled outside of it, the lost and found box always already raided, so i took the elevator up. Im passing all these signs, wondering where the welfare office might be hiding, and end up asking the Janitor. "Youre standing in front...
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Id seen the building, and the people huddled outside of it, the lost and found box always already raided, so i took the elevator up. Im passing all these signs, wondering where the welfare office might be hiding, and end up asking the Janitor. "Youre standing in front...
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travel your way out of there dude!!!
Eating well is a good thing. Times are ripe for transformation with Pluto coming into Capricorn. A new Age is dawning and I'm sure good things are coming your way. 

"Curbstomped" is exactly what it sounds like, and if you really believe that cops never do that then you are acting blind and I pity you for it.
Stay strong, Apathy, as strong as I know you are!
"say that police don't do it.They just don't."
Not having my camera anymore, I could have provided you some firsthand images to throw at every ignorant thought youve had that i had just taken over two years of standing around in a city. Instead go waste some time with random images searching google for `police brutality`
"get the fuck out of there?" alot of times at protests you get surrounded into a little square and it is S.O.L. 4u. Or the whole lot of them just decide to run at you like bulls with a good whole 2 second warning.
"police don't beat the shit out of two random, innocent girls by themselves" This is honestly, i dont know i dont keep track but being a marginal (i have no idea if that is the right english word) i have bean beat up badly by law enforcement MANY MANY OF MANY TIMES and probably many more to come. Go read some motherfucking facts before you ever bother coming back with your onesided views on the pretty peaceful perfect world. it is never a poor me story. it is always adventures.
Shit kid.