it has been a long time. very busy, as usual... it occurred to me recently that i haven't had a vacation since i was 17. no significant breaks from work for 6+ years. that's a long time.
ive acquired a nice job - my first 9-5 and i really like it. ive also been shooting at least once a week and spending my... Read More
in ohio its my birthday, but in california i have to wait an hour.
i forgot to tell you that i moved to los angeles. dont feel bad if you didnt know, because i didnt really tell anyone, i suppose something about disappearing was appealing for me. i love this place and i dont see any reason to ever live anywhere else, really.
ive been gone for a while
only partially by choice
there are a few people in my life who deserve all the love and attention i could ever possibly give,
and i just dont have any left for anyone else.
not right now
if you really love me, then lets make a vow. right here. together. right now. ok? ok
im gonna be free im gonna be free
and im gonna be brave im gonna be brave
im gonna live each day as if it were my last oh, thats good
you like that? yeah
say it im gonna live each day as if it were my last... Read More
I appreciate your thinking of me...that makes two of us. Now, which one of us is going to think about you? No tickling? Sigh...well, I won't reciprocate on the non-tickling...muwahahaha!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Call Me, cuz I can't call you... I lost my phone in indiana last weekend, I had to drop 200 stinkin $ to get a new one yestereday... but hey at least I have a phone now... it's the same number I had, I just have NONE of my #... Awesome huh.. hahah Well I'm excited to see you! <3
the following is a testament to the advancement of my social retardation, which has, unfortunately, progressed to the point that i am unable to speak intelligently and must instead write obscenely long posts in a web journal, above which you can very conveniently click on a box to see my tits.