Mi paso por Bolivia

Una vez que me subi al bus a la salida del pueblo de Iruya en Salta Capital, cruce la frontera de la Quiaca. Mi primer frontera. Nunca había salido del país. Esa sensación no me la olvido mas. Yo me imaginaba que la frontera era un puente en el medio de la nada con muchos arboles y militares.

Si, si bien...
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Asi lo He Visto he estado cerca de Jente de oaxaca tradicional No les afecta ni refigerar o tener la Carne al Temeratura ambient Y por cierto su Salud activa !

My passage through Bolivia
Once I got on the bus at the exit of the town of Iruya in Salta Capital, I crossed the border of La Quiaca. My first border. I had never left the country. I will never forget that feeling. I imagined that the border was a bridge in the middle of nowhere with lots of trees and military.
Yes, although there
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OK, so actually looking now and I definitely pictured something different, but the pics are wonderful. Seems like a great trip.
@johnnydiscard   Bolivia is completely photographable, and I have not uploaded many photos here. I'm glad I was able to transmit from the heart what I lived and felt. A big hug to you!
Hello, how are you all?
I am very active here today... I got up early got off the mountain to go shopping and came back. Before 10 am. And I already sweated too much. You can't imagine how hot it is here.
I wanted to tell you about the idea of my blogs.... I always thought it would be good to tell you what has...
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@skisby I would love to see the whole United States, the landscapes there look amazing. And Europe I love because you can tour so many countries since it's small. I need to work somewhere , generate money and travel all over europe!  Ya,. If at home you feel good and comfortable, that's fine! Sometimes it's beautiful to travel but sometimes we just need to be quiet at home....
@sheashannara  Thank you sweetie! Today I will sit down to write about my short stay in Bolivia. ❤️

El 1 de abril fui rumbo al aeropuerto. Había dejado mi departamento en el cual viví 6 meses en Guatemala, ya había dejado mi trabajo, había dejado fuera de mi casa en la calle en una bolsa mucha ropa y cosas que no me podía llevar conmigo.

En la puerta del check in , me piden mi test de COVID (qué me había echo el...
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I am months behind, but just read this entirely. It is a fascinating and beautiful read, flipping between the translated English and back to reference how you said it originally in Spanish. Your writing is beautifully evocative, and provides insight into the deep soul that you possess. I use soul loosely, not being religious. But beyond your physical beauty, your writing shows the unique and thoughtfully intelligent person you are. I'm hooked, but I am sure this is difficult to continue to produce on SG, especially as members are mostly scrolling quickly. We absolutely need more of it though.
Thank you it is always so nice to read you. At the moment my computer is broken and it is difficult to write from the cell phone, it has always been easier to write from the computer. As soon as I can accommodate me financially I will buy one since fixing it I think it will cost the same 🤣 you know how good it makes me at this time this comment so encouraging ? Seriously sometimes people have magical powers over each other. Thank you for your love always.

On April 1st I went to the airport. I had left my apartment in which I had lived for 6 months in Guatemala, I had already left my job, I had left a lot of clothes and things that I could not take with me in a bag outside my house in the street.

At the door of the check in, they ask me for...
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Really ! Ajá ,hi @softnsweet
Thank you for sharing 🙌🏽