I know I shouldn't, and I know its unlike me, but I cant help it. I am completely, madly, wildly in love with this dude.

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="6" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:62.5% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style="...
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When I go to bed I'm going to be thinking that's true ;) oh if only it was.
excellent,I hope it leads to something romantic. I look forward to your new sets too

Someone just left a comment on my set, so I went to read it and I realized today is exactly 10 years since my set went up. Happy anniversary to me. I shall celebrate by looking at hot naked chicks on this site.

Now that I have no other contracts with other places, I will be shooting soon :). I am very excited about this....
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Happy 10 year anniversary to you young lady and I can't wait to see a new set from you. 
Happy anniversary beautiful and I can't wait to see a new sexy set.

I cant get this feeling out of my head. It literally makes me cringe and my stomach turn every time it flashes in my mind. And I cant imagine what my boys are going through at the moment, but I am really discussed with people right now.

I am writing this blog at this time because this is the 3rd time tonight that I woke...
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@AMELINDA That bus driver, shouldn't have a job today!! Several species of turtles are protected in Florida. The jackass bus driver, shouldn't unnecessarily run over anything. I'm an animal lover and I'm in the transportation safety business. This story really strikes a nerve with me! Thank you for trying to help the poor girl. This world needs more people like you and less of these; you said it "DICKS"
Great job at making the world a better place my trying to help out.

One of my moms sent a box of gifts and in this box of gifts were tons of homemade cookies. This mother of mine is from Germany, and always makes awesome German sweets. The cookies were in decorative cellophane bags, but there was a random cookie that had fallen out of a bag (because one of the bags had ripped). My first thought is "I...
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LOL< this is an awesome story... did the dog get one of yours?
Did you eat it all or did you give some to the pup?

I am like seriously lonely beyond all belief. My friend was here this past week visiting me, it was probably the best week I have had in a really long time. Now that he is gone, I realize how fucking lonely I really am. I love everything about Florida so far, other than sad pit that I seem to constantly have in my heart all...
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Did you move to Florida?? You're so far from meee! But I saw that you got to see my guy's band play when they were in town! I'm a little jealous, haha. 
@lyxzen I moved about 2 months ago-ish. And I did get your text about new number! I just suck with replying to text (my number will not be changing anytime soon!)Hopefully we will still see each other around the convention world....wait actually I might be contacting you soon, about hosting SG parties. Rambo sent me an email about it a few weeks ago, and I have  been thinking hard about doing one.

I will try to get some pix up of my bald head soon. I think I might actually start posting nonsensical videos on youtube also. we shall see.

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to cute !
I'm so happy to see you back on SG.  :D  Love yah woman! :D  Your my all time fav!

And tell everybody how stupid I think they are, and to all just fuck off. But I dont.

I feel like the more I do to get ahead, the further behind I fall. No matter what it is, if I want it or love it I will lose it or fail at it. I have like 8 million things I just want to unload right...
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Sorry to hear you feel like this, I appreciate how frustrating it must be. It's made all the more difficult having kids as well because as parents we have to keep a whole bunch of shit locked away. I certainly don't think you come across as dark or gloomy on here, I always got the impression you were quite positive. More than anything you just come across as being totally honest about yourself, and that's a really rare and lovely thing. Also, do bear in mind that you've had a lot of really difficult stuff to deal with recently and on top of that you have your impending head-shaving which will undoubtedly be adding to your anxiety levels. Feelings like the ones you're experiencing, where it's difficult to pin down an exact cause, are usually an accumulation of different stressful elements. Individually we are able to deal with them more pragmatically but together they have a cumulative effect and can make us feel quite lost. I understand how tempting it is to try to grasp this concept of who we really are as well but do remember our personalities are mostly fluid, they change and fluctuate according to our environment so allow yourself  to have these feelings and try not to feel too bad about it. My personal point of view from reading your blog is that you are smart, honest, trusting, feisty, caring, considerate, funny, kind hearted, and above all a wonderful mother and a great person. Stay strong, or as we say here in Yorkshire: chin up, love :)
I use this site to scream and cry too.  It's healthy to have a place to vent - at least, that's what I'm telling myself.  :)
And, you're still you, no one but you could handle the shit you're dealing with right now.  Hang in there.
Time for an update

I have been so busy lately that I forget about everything except sleepingwhich I dont have enough time for. Mostly I have just been working, and being a mom. Same ol same.

So, my last up date was right before Wizard Wolrd Portland, which was pretty much just me saying I was going to the Convention lol. So, yep I went...
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^^ What she said. I love doing shit like that for kids, inventing magical things for them to gasp at. It's what childhood/parenting is all about.
I'd have wanted to bitch slap that kid too, what an arsehole. Good on your son for not giving up on the magic though! One time when my son was 4 we were at a wedding and the morning after we had some time to kill so i took him in the woods next to the venue and we went on a pixie hunt. I told him the forest was enchanted and we had to be really quiet 'cos the pixies were sleeping but we could look for old tree trunks and try to find a pixie hideout. The look of wonder and joy on his face as we crept round under the trees finding holes in fallen bits of wood was priceless.
My daughter is 21 months by the way, thanks for the compliment smile
I love how you just won't stop kicking me while I'm down. You'd think I was paying for that kind of abuse. tongue The nice folks at the VA have been pretty determined to keep me from using my hard-earned, G.I. Bill. I've been denied tuition assistance, for one reason or another, for almost 10 years, now. So this is my last stand. I don't get into school this time, and I guess I'll just have to move to Idaho. And become a teacher's aide. I'll specialize in teaching your kids how to interact, with black people. biggrin
Hater gonna hate, man...tongue
Lovely pic, you'te stunning! If only pscho's could end up with someone even more psychotic than them, then they could see what it's like!