dispirited mood has arisen from an actual loss of spirit. In many cultures, this 'spirit loss' occurs when one speaks of the sacred in a non-receptive environment. I had lots of fun conversations with you people, but I gotta go. later.
Rhinebeck, New York
good luck! and you will be missed =)
I see a tall being with a luminous body. Her face is very serene. When I ask "Who areyou?" I find myself in a dark tunnel. I am disorientated, but move on. I find in myself the courage to move on though not knowing where I am. Now I see a vast cliff made of crystal or ic. I am shown many layers of crystal...
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I miss intimacy. I go to the parties, to the club, to wherever, and see all kinds of freinds, but I miss intimacy. So many limiting belief systems and tak on personalities. I want people to strip naked and play in the woods with me. I want for a group of freinds both male and female to be able to sit down and unhide everything...
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i know exactly what you mean, eric. beautifully stated...
I talked to some birds in a wheatfield today. They were really playful and kind. I felt better after talking to them.
eric-- the more i read your comments on the boards and your journal entries, the more i want to be your friend.
thank you hatefulerin, for the kind comment. freindship is always welcome. Elise, I went to Chartiers Valley Highschool, I do know alot of people from the Pittsburgh rave scene however, and I know a lot of hippies in the area, so who knows...
thats it. im putting a picture up whenever i get my hands on that digital camera.
"man" -A biological creation arising out of a frequency modulated code-message, radiated into the genesis of continual creation. A biotransducer processing "thought forms" abd "light signals" for higher intelligence, limited to the "games" if the lower divinities, but given "the gift" of vehicle participation "in freedom of the spirit" through sonship in God. An image of preprogrammed DNA that can be articulated into being through...
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when the constant feature is removed, what will you resonate with?
who are you and why are you reading my journal? my fellow human being, could you not so something more enriching with your time than read this. could you not plant a tree, or send compassion and love to everything around you. could you not clean your room, and make worthy of who you truly are, send a letter to a freind, write an article...
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I see a slender red being, flame like and demonic. I stare at it while it stands fiery and fierce. I am simultaneously ware of whiteness all around, as if seeing to realities at once. Seddunly I see a large lovely blue and silver goddess. then back to the red demon. Now I see an impassible wall, and I find a tiny golden labrynth behind...
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journal entry #1.
unification. the healing of past wounds. becoming conscious of the deepest layers of my being. alchemy. healing. Perhaps my danger was seeking to forcibly take what belongs to the divine realms. I must accept the transmutation of my body and blood as spritual forces enter into me. to trust the all embracing wisdom and compassion. This is the alchemist within me. So...
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