Wake me up when it's over, okay?

*readies the air horn*

damm you Al

everytime i go to post a comment in your journal....i either get distracted by your comments in threads...or by your sets.

Still...i made it this time so........

ummm damm...nothing to say to your journal.

oh better luck next time then....le sigh......... biggrin
Blah blah blah. I'm only updating because none of you know who The Grays are anyway.

My job is going well. I like it a lot, and I like my boss a lot. She reminds me a lot of my mom. She's really easy going and sweet, and she told me that one of the reasons she hired me was that I'd had the most...
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I just joined SG a week ago, and so far you are my favorite SG. Funny things is its because of your profile. It made me laugh my ass off. Then I looked at your pictures, but had to go back to your profile. Your awesome. If you ever get to Richmond Va, look me up..free dineer in my restuarant for SG's.
Cheer up, kiddo. Not EVERY girl can say that they have hundreds of adoring fans behind them. If I had hundreds of girls that would happily throw themselves at me, you KNOW I wouldn't be a BIT depressed about it

so tongue


all we've got

is nothing

we've got nothing

and nothing can tear us apart

and nothing can break my heart


what are you thinking?

what did you learn today?

"nothing," is just what I thought you would say
Hey! It's not there anymore. Dammit.
I learned that Al is a good poet and that i want to read more of her.
I'd like to thank everyone who gave me birthday wishes, all 200 of you. It was very nice. smile

I'd also like to thank the few people who sent me presents, including a book (The Vagina Monologues), a cd (Blackout, The Dropkick Murphys) and a movie (Super Troopers). They've treated me quite well.

Oh yeah, I got a job back at the end of March as...
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wow. those blue eyes. i'm breathless
The vector drawing is interesting and looks quite good to me save for the missing tattoo. I hope the job works out for you. Super belated happy birthday.
So, as many of you see, today is my birthday. Yes, my actual birthday. April fourth. 4/4. My real, really, real, for reals birthday.

No, I'm not 30, I'm sorry.

Anyway, the purpose of this entry is to talk about SG.

When I first encountered SG in December of 2001 I was amazed. I was amazed at what they were doing with pornography. Okay, call...
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Wow. Well said. One of the things--perhaps the main thing--i like about this site is that it features what i've come to call "It" girls (with apologies to Clara Bow--or was is Theda Bara--one of the original "sirens of the silent screen" who was the original "It Girl." Since the censors would come down of any mention of sex, she was marketed as having "it." But i digress . But isn't that what parentheses are for? Anyway...) An It Girl is one whose (a) Beauty (b) Sex appeal or (c) All of the above color outside of the lines (or abdicates, ignores, abandons or rejects the lines completely to color in their own book) of the impossible models of marketed, Capitalist driven glamour (John Berger's classic "Ways of Seeing" explains this--Capitalist glamour, that is). Her sexiness? It is sui generis: individually and mysteriously only hers--not a mythologized into an icon and shrink-wrapped for mass consumption on the global market. Does any of this make sense? Perhaps i'm being inappropriate. After all, this is a porn site, not a bulletin for a 200 level cultural studies class...
Bingo! I was jus telling the wife the same thing the other day. Its what makes it enjoyable and oh-so-much fun. If this were jus the pictures and nudity, it would be jus like 'one model place.'

Corny as it sounds, thanks for seeing it the way I do. Happy belated birthday, kiddo.
I was going to make an entry about how my birthday is coming up, and how it seems to arrive more quickly every year, and how every year I seem to care just a little bit less but never turn down the money my relatives send me, and I guess it's a little about that because I just said it, but I have something else...
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Happy Berfday!
To quote that controversial 20th century philospher and nobleman Prince Rogers Nelson: "People think we're rude/ I wish we all were nude/ I wish there was no black and white/ I wish there were no rules"

In a society where the traditional nuclear family has gone critical and nears detonation, isn't it time to examine a more open concept of family? Even without personal experience, a quick look around--or at most of the daytime talk shows--seem to prove that married hetrosexuals bearing their own live young are not the foo-proof recipe for functional families (psychogist John Bradshaw conservatively estimated that over 90% of American families are dysfunctional. And that was over a decade ago). It seems obvious that little Junior or Missy would be better off with ANYBODY that could successfully form and maintain a loving, nuturing household whether that be with mommie and daddie or just mommie or just daddie or with two mommies and two daddies--or whatever's in between.

And what does opposing homosexuality mean? Denying civil rights? Applying a well-heeled brown shoe up ass of anyone suspected of homosexual tendencies? Cracking those God-hating faggots and dykes upside the head with an All-American baseball bat?

Abstinence? Prohibition didn't work on alcohol, it's not working on drugs and sex is argueably easier to procure than the other two. And without safe sex education, what happens when Bobby Joe and Lula Mae's surging hormones drown out their vows of abstinence and they end up infected, pregnant or both?

I lived in Sweden for half a year. There, "Sambos" (No, not "Little Black..."--"samma"or same and "bostad" or household: I guess the closest word in English would be "co-habitators") have all the rights and benefits of married couples. As in much of Europe, marriage has been and is on the decline. Many people live together and raise children without the church's or the government's say-so. (which brings up this point: Aren't Republicans are traditionally against centrist governing? It seems now they're hands-off corporate industry--as to be expected--but want to stick their fingers in out individual pies). The fabric of the Swedish society and their family units seem relatively intact. And I believe they have one of the lowest incidences of AIDS, if not other STDs, on the planet.

I think Al is on the right track. Perhaps we should organize a Million Folk Fuck: We get a million motley folks to meet around the Washington Monument (apt: an obelisk which as such grandly symbolizes Osirus' lost penis), we strip and fuck (Safely. Remember your rubbers) like bunnies (however bunnies fuck) until we're all arrested and jam the cogs of the District of Columbia's judicial system to a halt. Anarchy can be fun. If we want to risk the taint of corporate sponsorship, perhaps Trojan could donate the condoms. After all, the Texas Republicans are fucking with their market.
It is supposed to be that, but its actually a name of a Faith No More song that I enjoy.
al, i so appreciated your set comment! thank you ms. bubblicious! kiss
I want to thank all of you for the wonderfully nice things you said about my new set and I'm sorry that I can't respond to you all individually but there are just too many of you. 600? Perhaps I could try, but a month from now you're going to be saying to yourself, "why the crap is Al saying thanks on my journal...?" Indeed,...
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Nice quote in Jane this month.
holy christ you're hot.
Well, this was going to be an entry about how Second Life is awesome, but now it's not.

I got laid off approximately 12 hours ago, right outside the security building by the Liiberty Bell. Looks like my helpin' days are over.

I'm going to bed.
You've been in bed for eight days, beautiful. Time to get up and kick some ass.
Yeah, you've been under the covers so long you've forgotten the ending of your last journal.

Shouldn't you be planning a new set or polishing your latex or telling your many devotees what to do?

Did you get snow where you are yesterday?