Another slaving week at work! But all is good I shall be going to Vegas next week IM SO EXCITED!! I have never been there before and it should totally be killer. I hit up a few places this past week to try to get to know the area a little better. Fuck-Yeah
I ended up getting my septum will be well as... Read More
Well I made it out here finally! yay! I got to check out some areas around town like Melrose, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, and the mountains. Then I got to go to the private rides at Six Flags that KROQ held.... so awesome not to wait in line to ride those crazy roller coasters. And today I shall be hanging out with an old friend... Read More
So... I was thinking about piercing my septum today... week..whenever in the near future... im not quite sure if i can pull it off though...hmmm
Yay I got my teasers today! And tomorrow I shall be jumping ship to Cali on a plane. I am so freakin' nervous and excited at the same time! Other than that the whole day has been quite boring and filled with a bunch of suitcase packing.
I know you already had this question once from your blog, but hey here it goes. Across the country !!! Is that like from VA to WA or just from like TX to CA ?? Good luck on the move, hope you don't have a ton to haul across the country or your arms will get tired.
I would not worry to much, you'll love having way more options in doing things. You'll get over the small town thing pretty quick. I think the hardest thing you will fine is that in a much larger place not everyone is so apprachable as is in a small town. But there seems to be a huge amount of SG's based in CALI so I am sure you can connect with a group very quickly and get established quite seemless.
I prefer a little large area, you will probably like the fact that not everyone will know your business like they do in a small town. I think you'll enjoy it a lot and become more worldly because of it.