"What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?"
Oh god.
This is actually a really deep seeded one, that makes me cringe to this day, about 13 years later.
When I was a kid, I was homeschooled by radical christians, I was bullied relentlessly by all of the boys in my neighborhood, and even a few of the girls.
I wasn't anything...
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Does anyone else feel like they're still in 2015?
I feel like everything going on has been an extension of last year, and even though I am trying to remain positive and bright and embrace the chance to reset, another proverbial wall comes up and tries to keep me from feeling like I can.
I don't believe in the "new year, new me" bullshit, but...
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So, You may have noticed me and recognized me as the new girl.
Hi. I'm (insert username here) Nice to meet you!
Everyone is being super nice to me and I like that I can post my random nudes and not be judged lol so thanks for being awesome. I'm not the only pervert in the world. YAY FINALLY!
I thought I'd let you know...
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