im in L.A AGAIN.
yeah. only for the night.
warped tour is interesting. the people are amazing. paige and bliss are now on the tour as well. I've seen annabelle, rae, katie and my momma soraya. she got me a rail road spike for my birthday and engraved daddy onto it. theres also a little heart on the back.
im at kinkos' printing out some pictures from annies camera. i dont know why i didn't bring my fuckin camera. im an ass.
anyway... we've made a few friends on this little warped tour thing.
i get up at 7 everyday. i havent seen 7am before this in a long ass time. wierd. its alright though, as long as i get a coffee.
i thought alot more people would be coming to see us but theres only been one person whos introduced themselves. (moralsoldier)
i had a really good day off on monday. much needed. good company.
i fuckin LOVE the dudes on our bus, they are awesome. ugh... coolest dudes... IMA robot. so good.
so tomorrow we do ventura, then i think its sacramento... i know we're going to canada soon which is exciting because i can finally go to a doctor. i refuse to pay for this american doctor buisness. its rediculous. so free health care for me in a week. thats fun.
my wisdom teeth have been killing me lately. i need to make an appointment to get these fuckers out of my head.
i got good cuddling. i needed it.
i tattooed the top of my foot on my day off too and i've been living in my vans slipers ever since. i got a traditional rose.
i heart annie shes so rad. touring with her is fun.
blah blah blah blah blah blah.
im a spaz.
tegan a.k.a
t-Lo a.k.a
teegz a.k.a
mctiggles a.k.a
t-bag (new one) a.k.a
p.s bloom, willem and Stormy maybe ill run into you on the west coast? if one of you fucks would answer your phones. i dont have a phone anymore.
hi mom.
i leave you with these.
yeah. only for the night.
warped tour is interesting. the people are amazing. paige and bliss are now on the tour as well. I've seen annabelle, rae, katie and my momma soraya. she got me a rail road spike for my birthday and engraved daddy onto it. theres also a little heart on the back.
im at kinkos' printing out some pictures from annies camera. i dont know why i didn't bring my fuckin camera. im an ass.
anyway... we've made a few friends on this little warped tour thing.
i get up at 7 everyday. i havent seen 7am before this in a long ass time. wierd. its alright though, as long as i get a coffee.
i thought alot more people would be coming to see us but theres only been one person whos introduced themselves. (moralsoldier)
i had a really good day off on monday. much needed. good company.
i fuckin LOVE the dudes on our bus, they are awesome. ugh... coolest dudes... IMA robot. so good.
so tomorrow we do ventura, then i think its sacramento... i know we're going to canada soon which is exciting because i can finally go to a doctor. i refuse to pay for this american doctor buisness. its rediculous. so free health care for me in a week. thats fun.
my wisdom teeth have been killing me lately. i need to make an appointment to get these fuckers out of my head.
i got good cuddling. i needed it.
i tattooed the top of my foot on my day off too and i've been living in my vans slipers ever since. i got a traditional rose.
i heart annie shes so rad. touring with her is fun.
blah blah blah blah blah blah.
im a spaz.
tegan a.k.a
t-Lo a.k.a
teegz a.k.a
mctiggles a.k.a
t-bag (new one) a.k.a
p.s bloom, willem and Stormy maybe ill run into you on the west coast? if one of you fucks would answer your phones. i dont have a phone anymore.
hi mom.
i leave you with these.


I saw you and Annie at the Gorge but I was too busy running from one place to the other to say hi. You girls looked hot but wiped.

lets hook up at warped tour jacksonville..