I regret to inform you that I will no longer be participating on this website. Not for a while at least. I think it's taken a turn for the worse and if it gets better I'll submit my pretty little set I shot. I will be here strictly for lurkage for now.
Why isn't SG more choosy? and why aren't they choosing more... Read More
Glad you are back. I agree with everything you said in this blog. SG is supposed to be a website for people who committed "social suicide" to look the way they do. *throws hands up in the air in exasperation
I want to play chain story right now, but I'm finding it difficult to do on tumblr. So let's try here, okay? You can just add more to the story via comment and be as silly or creepy as you want. Feel free to contribute photos that go along with the story somehow. K. I'll start it!
Seeing that it was only a falling branch caused by the large amount of snow that had built up over night I ignored it, I decided to that the best way to clear the nightmares from mind and start this chilly day right was to blaze up a bowl. Little realising that I was about to start out on a quest that wouldalter my life and change the destiny of planet Panda forever...
There is an extremely awful girl on tumblr who is trying to be a Suicide Girl. She freely drops the N bombs [and gives the impression that she means it], talks about how her bf's ex deserved to get her face bashed in with a cane, and makes fun of people for their appearance.
That's fucking gross -- that girl, and people like it. And good for you, for not giving her the attention. They wouldn't last a week on the boards alone.
I seriously L O V E this so much. kinda jealous I didn't think of it though I don't think it would look quite right on me... you pull it off sososososo well.