
My new set (which isn't very new anymore) just isn't sending. I sent it via registered mail TWICE!, but some idiot must have stolen it along the way. And damn $%$ Mac OS X doesn't run most of the free compression software out there. So now I've finally compressed the damn thing on my brother's PC and sent it via You Send It, and...
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Excellent! Lost in Transit is not something we needed.
glad to hear that Santianna!! love your bod!!
that just made my day
Chinese New Year this year has proved to be most agreeable. To start off with, my mother brought a Wallace and Gromit DVD to the reunion, which meant that no one was really required to say much to the adults- something that all kids like, because its horrid enough having two parents and sometimes the maid telling you what to do. You dont need another...
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... for some reason or another, most of my social activity the last few months has revolved around people desperate to get on TV, for some reason unknown to all but themselves.

You mean onto Mediacorp?!? My god, what kind of life ambition is that?

The way you describe your friend Taz positively intrigues me. I hope you post a photo of her someday confused wink

where are all the new pics???
What The Fuck.

Three guys go in to a hotel, each with $10 in his pocket. They book one room at $30 a night. A short while later, a fax from headquarters directs the hotel to charge $25 a night. So the receptionist gives the bellhop $5 to take to the three guys sharing a room. Since the bellhop never got a tip from them,...
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i was never good at math, and even worse at math problems with a twist.

[Edited on Jan 29, 2006 12:05PM]
Each of the guys spent $9 on the room+the bell hops tip for a total of 27.

25 for the room + 2 tip=27. 27+ 1x(3 people)=30 total.

I've picked up this book I got when I was 15 -I bought it while doing a biogenetics course in secondary school; the lecturer still tries to hit on me very occasionally, despite being attached to a long time Christian Virgin girlfriend, not to be confused with the virgin Christian girlfriend-. I couldn't understand it very well then, but while reading Guns, Germs and Steel,...
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You are beautiful !!!

*laughs* Of course all that shit doesnt matter. Im going to die anyway, we all are, but I get such a kick out of finding out how I had been wrong all this while.

Wait a second, that's not funny. That's not funny at all! eeek

And I figure that the apple was just an apple and that it was the act itself that was important.

I don't think God has free will because he can see the future. He never really gets to make a choice because he knows what he's going to do beforehand (predestination). You could argue that he could make a choice, but at the same time he's perfect and therefore everything he does is perfect. If he were to do anything that wasn't perfect and diverge from the series of perfects acts he sees himself performing until the end of time, then he wouldn't be perfect and he'd just be some schmuk.

Meanwhile, there are humans. We can't see the future so we actually make decisions. Perhaps what God is doing is testing the value of free will. He gives us a paradise and an apple tree we can't touch because he forbids it. We have a choice, paradise or defiance of God's will and whatever may follow. We choose the apple. In choosing the apple, we're rejecting God and taking free will. So then God kicks us out and gives us all this misery, maybe to give us a better understanding of what free will entails (or just to be a prick).

So now us, Adam and Eve's descendants, have this choice. We can reject free will as best we can and instead choose to live as God intends us to (WWJD?). In doing so, we get a perfect paradise to go to. On the other hand, we can live life as we see fit and defy God's commandments. You don't know what you'll get from that, but it'll definitely fall short of perfect (and therefore heaven). At the same time, however, you don't know what to expect from the hell you choose to live in. This is kind of appropriate considering how there's like jack shit about hell in the bible (though Dante's Inferno was kind of rad, though I couldn't enjoy it because I didn't get any of the references).

So I guess you can see human existence as one big test. You go through life and, at some point, you're expected to decide if you'd prefer a stagnant, beautiful paradise or a flawed hell rich with possibilities. Maybe at the end they'll tally the results.

You could also go so far as to question why God created humans and try to derive an answer based on what I just made up. What I come up with is God, as a perfect being, encompasses pretty much everything positive that you can imagine. There's no badness in him (death, stink, whatever). Badness isn't possible through God and can only be attained through free will. Free will, however, isn't a bad thing. This makes God worry. He's perfect, and yet there's one thing called free will which isn't bad and which he cannot ever have or perhaps even hope to understand. That's why he needed to create humans and give them a choice between free will and Godliness. It's a contest between perfection and free will to determine if perfect is really perfect at all. In actuality, it's God versus humanity.

Sorry, I can't resist giving my load of imagination to anyone who even bothers to bring up the topic of religion.

I'm very confused. There are so many things to organize I'm going to go bonkers. And there's so much I don't know; so much to read and so many films to watch. It's better than having nothing to do, but I find it so fustrating that I know so little about technology frown

I think I should start saving up for a really good digital studio....
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I'm always coming back here just hopeing I missed the post of a new set but atleast they should have one now! you're so fucking hot it's not even close to fair for so many girls..
you make me want to live in singapore!
The art of the future is the Videogame.....remember
u are beautiflul tongue
Capital Punishment and Human Supremacy

Violence is administered unto others by people that think they are greater than them, and if you support the death penalty, then you think youre better than the person that has been sent to the hangman, and youre sorely mistaken. No one human being is better than another, and regardless of the consequences (much of which does not have any...
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I saw this girl in my net travels and thought of you. I wondered whether you knew her ... or even if she were you ...
Ahaaaa! It is you! biggrin
For the people not living in this weird claustrophobic SEAsian village, the local TV end of Media Crap Co. (which is NOT quite like the paper I write for, because although they are both owned by the same company, different people run the things. Which is about as close to a Free Press outside the internet we're as likely to come to for the next...
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I find you to be utterly fascianting and brilliant. I think I will be touring SE Asia with in a year. I hope we can be in touch until then.
i want to have sex with you
Drug Outtake
December 3rd, 2005
I twisted my ankle outside a club yesterday, and I wasnt even wearing heels. The last time I wore a pair, I was so overcome with the sensation of being aware that I hadnt worn them for so long I wasnt used to walking in them any longer. It must have been quite amusing for the people around I supposed....
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I think that regulation really is the way to go. The problem is that the companies who are in the business of regulated drugs (tobacco, alcohol) put pressure on the gov't to not let any others into the market place and so they are relegated to the black market.

I think we have a very distorted attitude about drugs. We call them "addicting" when in fact it is people who use them to the point of becoming addicted. I think we do that because we are greedy and selfish and want that good feeling all the time.

We need to think of drugs as you do sex, it is an appetite, one not meant to be satisfied all of the time.

Sorry about your ankle. I hope it heals up well. You should probably see someone about strengthening it.
LSD was first introduced for purpose of psycho-therapy. Cannabis is used in cancer, hiv and eating-disorder therapy. Heroin was invented to replace morphium as a pain killer because during 1st World War they found out that morphium is addictive - what a surprise... heroin is even more addictive!
Alcohol is a legalized drug but far more addictive than others that are not legal and tobacco is far worse for one's health than cannabis!
Drug abuse on a large scale was introduced into modern society by the Prohibition. It was easier to smuggle morphium than beer!

People are simply not taught how to deal with drugs...
Not many Jewish become alcoholics while wine is part of the holy service!
The problem are not the drugs but the people - users and pushers alike! With the US in the lead people nowadays manage to kill themselves with food!!!!!!!!! Abuse is the problem! The "I want more..." mentality is the far more dangerous than any single drug!! mad

About death-penalties, besides the fact if they can be justified or not, the main problem is that you can not truly apologize if you were wrong... frown

P.S.: I read the comment on the high heels issue... You are sure sexy and nice to look at. Knowing that there is an active mind behind your eyes simply enhances your sex-appeal to me and to read that mind and heart are connecting earns you a kiss