I was going to save my next post for my ten year SG anniversary on August 30th, but I have too many photos and things to share right now and I don't want to overload you in a month.
So yeah, naked on the internet for ten years, can you believe it? Personally, I think I look a lot better now than when I was... Read More
So I guess everyone is talking about earthquakes and tsunamis. Let me just say, wow. This planet can do some crazy shit.
Over here in the Pacific Northwest we anxiously await the Cascadia Subduction Zone megathrust earthquake. I am not looking forward to that. I have been in smaller earthquakes and I think they are kind of fun. But I worry about this... Read More
Thanks everyone for the nice comments on my tattoo. I really am in love with it. I think all of my tattoos will be nature themed and I want at least one from each class. So far I have insects, a mollusc and a mammal. I know I want a cat somewhere, perhaps a portrait of Jolene. Then I want plants and fungi, a bird... Read More
That is an incredible tattoo! I love it when people tattoo things that are their personal interests and not just a pretty picture they found at the parlour you know?
Best of luck with your planted things! I've tried to grow herbs on the balcony but they got infested by some bugs that ate them all up. They were particularily interested in the curry-leaf plant for some reason yet unknown.
i really want to meet you. you seem like such a beautiful soul.
i have been reading about loss a lot lately....i think that we forget that even the little losses are painful....losing a lover or even moving somewhere...leaving things behind....losing pieces of yourself...changing yourself...
and like you said, loss is inevitable...and even if you have not yet dealt with the experience of death very much, you are still dealing wtih it simply because you are alive and because you love things and people and because you know deep down that these people or animals will be gone someday....
i think that realizing that, even if there isn't any immediate threat, is still very painful and important.
it makes me sad that in our culture we can't really discuss these things, i think if we open more doors on the subject the fear would not be so big...
i don't know...
i know that no matter how much tragedy you deal with though...one is never truly an expert...
but change and surviving it....it does make one much stronger.
facing the things that hurt most....
Wicked tattoo I am thinking of getting a tattoo combining my love of Japanese art with my beloved research insect of choice, the bumblebee. Now all I need is time off looking after them to go and get one, sigh
Update! My neighbor has been arrested for animal neglect! Some of you have been following this story. Here is a link to my original entry about the situation.
He has a court date set for April 24th. Though it sounds like his punishment will be that he can't own any dogs for five years. I don't think I told you guys about what a... Read More
Cool Misumena pic. Have you read 'Predator Upon a Flower'? They are cool, they reflect ultraviolet light, making the flowers they are sitting on more attractive to insects.
Yes it is in fact a sad poem! As Dwam said...
It's about a young soldier "sleeping" in a quiet valley :
The Sleeper in the Valley
It is a green hollow where a stream gurgles,
Crazily catching silver rags of itself on the grasses;
Where the sun shines from the proud mountain:
It is a little valley bubbling over with light.
A young soldier, open-mouthed, bare-headed,
With the nape of his neck bathed in cool blue cresses,
Sleeps; he is stretched out on the grass, under the sky,
Pale on his green bed where the light falls like rain.
His feet in the yellow flags, he lies sleeping. Smiling as
A sick child might smile, he is having a nap:
Cradle him warmly, Nature: he is cold.
No odour makes his nostrils quiver;
He sleeps in the sun, his hand on his breast
At peace. There are two red holes in his right side.
Arthur Rimbaud.
this is a poem that everyone in France learn at school at some point.
I am sooooo busy with homework. I have to do math homework almost every day. So much that by the time I finish, I have put all my other homework off until the last minute. Want to read my Spanish paper that I wrote in 3 hours?