Today is my birthday!!!! biggrin
Okay this blog is going to be one big rant so if u dont want to read it then just close this now.....

Okay so what the hell is wrong with people today? Im a cake decorator at Palmer Big Y, and today i met the bitchest customer EVER!!!
She ordered a Little Mermaid cake, and i have 2 of them. We didnt have the...
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I ordered our tickets for sg live!!!!
So anyone going to see them on october 17th at pearl street in northampton. I will be there!!
I havent posted here in over a week.
Its been an okay one. Not too busy and not to boring. I worked alot, almost 40 hours.
Monday was my little brothers birthday, hes now 19 and currently in Florida with his wonderful girlfiriend. I hope their having a great time and being safe.
Tomorrow Adam and I are going tattoo "shopping" i guess, were going...
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So i just got home from my interview and i think that i did horribly. The lady took everything that i said out of context. I said that i would rather work by myself so that i can avoid confrintation from others. She took it as i hate to work with other people and that im not a team player. I talked to her about...
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I hate that when the people that are interviewing you are dicks and make it real difficult for you as if it isn't already tough enough....
So my vacation is going great. I havent found a new job yet, but i'm hopeful. I got my lip ring changed, i got a bar bell one so i can change it for work.
I went to the doctors yesterday to find out why ive been coughing for 3 weeks and i have bronchitis which explains alot. I'm happy to know whats wrong. I...
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