We all have our Halloween traditions. Costumes and candy, pumpkins and mulled wine, El Dia De Los Muertos or Samhain or All Hallow's Eve. For some it's sex and leather, and for others an excuse to drink - but for me it's trick or treat, and this year I got tricked.
My wife RIN dared me to explore the "haunted" basement of the old Stadium Inn at 340 Cambie Street in Vancouver. In hushed tones she told me of its history, the old dog-fighting ring in the basement, the secret illegal after-hours bar they used to run. The old dumbwaiter, the stacked tables and chairs, broken bottles, and washrooms unused in half a century. 'Course I took it upon myself to prove the rumours of ghosts and monsters wrong. After all, Halloween's just an excuse to take your clothes off... right?