<div class="legacy-text">Among my garden in search of a smile.<br />Hope lost in oblivion<br /><br />With colors explosion came the dawn,<br />Staining on the sky with brilliant colors.<br />The light spread on the garden.<br />In the middle of a flower garden alone.<br />Regia with an air of nobility shone.<br />Unique in its beauty if being ostenciosa.<br />More delicate than a rose.<br /><br />Its attraction was that he did not see anything else.<br />The garden of my face and forgotten thoughts.<br />That flower that occupies my mind and Heart,<br />Violet Flower, wonderful flower ...<br />the green grass of oblivion.<br />Lying in the garden looking at the flowers<br />light up with her small violet<br />shy and ethereal magic violet<br />that spring delivery.<br /><br />My trembling hands caress the petals<br />and merge them lovingly.<br />I ask permission and pluck one of them<br />the approach to my lips and kissed its essence.<br />The others look at me laughing flirtatious,<br />making a bouquet delivered to my hands.<br />I apologize for letting not grow<br />I offer them laughing and aroma.<br />My smiling face graces given<br />and my clumsy hands stop shaking.</div>