Hello hello everyone.
I should blog more, I said I'd blog more.
I've been feeling down lately though.
So anyway, Tarion has a new set. YAY!
It's called Follow the white rabbit, I think it's pretty amazing
Also, my set is still in MR too. Over here.
Funny story, I entered the Inked Suicide Girl competition a few weeks ago.
I'm not sure why.
And then when Rambo mailed me to say I'd made it to the second round, I laughed.
And then, this morning, lo and behold..
Maybe less is more?
If anything, I hope I get a bit more exposure.
Can you imagine being a finalist with the likes of Radeo, Amina, Gogo, Katherine, Lass etc?
I'm pretty sure I can put that on my resume.
Noddy bagde for me.
Uhm. Okay so I'm sad these days, it's really starting to irritate me.
My mind is like one of those babies that just keeps crying and won't tell you what's wrong.
It's draining.
I assume it's something I'm doing so I've stopped doing.
I don't model, I don't derby, I don't burlesque, I do't charity, heck, I don't even attend classes anymore.
So I'm feeling a bit better.
I'll pick everything up again maybe, once I figure out what's bringing me down.
There's the thing about living your life to please other people. Or your parents.
I'm not a social person, not when forced.
But they say go to church, I go to church. I even take membership.
They say do a sport, I do a sport.
They say take up a hobby, I go for dancing classes.
I'm just not sure what I'm doing for me anymore.
I saw this picture the other day, it cheered me up some.
I've had a toothache the past 2 weeks and I can't eat anything but soup.
I feel like a patient of Dr. Hazzard.(yes, that was her ACTUAL surname. Oh the irony.)
I should blog more, I said I'd blog more.
I've been feeling down lately though.
So anyway, Tarion has a new set. YAY!
It's called Follow the white rabbit, I think it's pretty amazing

Also, my set is still in MR too. Over here.

Funny story, I entered the Inked Suicide Girl competition a few weeks ago.
I'm not sure why.
And then when Rambo mailed me to say I'd made it to the second round, I laughed.
And then, this morning, lo and behold..

Maybe less is more?

If anything, I hope I get a bit more exposure.
Can you imagine being a finalist with the likes of Radeo, Amina, Gogo, Katherine, Lass etc?
I'm pretty sure I can put that on my resume.
Noddy bagde for me.

Uhm. Okay so I'm sad these days, it's really starting to irritate me.
My mind is like one of those babies that just keeps crying and won't tell you what's wrong.
It's draining.
I assume it's something I'm doing so I've stopped doing.
I don't model, I don't derby, I don't burlesque, I do't charity, heck, I don't even attend classes anymore.
So I'm feeling a bit better.
I'll pick everything up again maybe, once I figure out what's bringing me down.
There's the thing about living your life to please other people. Or your parents.
I'm not a social person, not when forced.
But they say go to church, I go to church. I even take membership.
They say do a sport, I do a sport.
They say take up a hobby, I go for dancing classes.
I'm just not sure what I'm doing for me anymore.
I saw this picture the other day, it cheered me up some.

I've had a toothache the past 2 weeks and I can't eat anything but soup.
I feel like a patient of Dr. Hazzard.(yes, that was her ACTUAL surname. Oh the irony.)
And there's your serial killer fix for this week
Oh guess what you guys?!?!
Rigel Suicide came out of archive!!
*happy dance*
Really loved her last set.
I'm not sure what else to say.
So I guess I'll end it there.
Here's some modelling pics for you guys.
Have a great week everone!
I love you all
I know the letter brought tears to my eyes too. I hope you are doing well. I haven't seen you since we flashed our tits in the chat room. So much fun! lol.

GREAT set!!!