1. I feel bad for not replying to everyone. I still have tons of messages in my inbox that I haven't even read...I don't know what my problem is, but I hope you guys understand.
2. School sucks. Seriously. I don't like it. It's booooring me to death. The only thing I like is computer illustration and I can't even remember what I'm doing in... Read More
1. I'm getting a macbook. Not the pro because the only difference I see is the screen size. Plus I'm trying to reserve money for when I actually need it. I'm also getting a tablet so I'll be drawing up a storm on the computer.
2. I'm back in with my boyfriend, as you could have... Read More
lalala are mac computers the ones that you go SAFARI to go on the internet?
if so i think thats very exciting. its like safaaaaaaaariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and upcomes yahoo or something of that.
lala diamond girl.
i have no idea how photoshop works. i try, but theres too many things and buttons and i dontknow what any or all of them mean. i can load a photo. there. thats it. ha. stare at it up in the program.
lets see if yo ustill wish to draw apathy a raven, as mr.im-a-professional-artist-man asks me $500 to draw! WAAH! thats more than rent. thats more than... a call girl! er, not that i would know.
lookathis myspace now suicide strange
I was plucking some eyebrow hairs...thennnn...i don't know what happened. I think I gimped out and the tweasers slipped and I totally cut my eyeball. A little slice. I'm keeping my eyeball close the rest of the night.
I have a bunch of cool pics to post of some naked hot-tubbin'.
1. Today is a day for a new adventure, expect more pictures.
2. Sorry for the lack of responses. I don't know what my problem is, but I haven't been able to bring myself to go through messages and comments and respond like I was doing all the time only a couple of months ago.
3. We've made an appointment for our diamond tattoos. SWEEEEET.... Read More
my tattoo last night was.. interesting.
good friend whos never picked up a gun before and it turned out allright. more than allright.
i at one point had Alan Forbes drawing up my raven,
until Alan Forbes wanted $500 for a drawing.
what is that.
thats more than rent.
you artists.
FEED the seagulls too. everybody always snubs the seagulls on beautiful feed winged things day.
So Sean and I went adventuring again today. Here are some pictures starting with one I took a couple of days ago that I photoshopped. Notice that my eyes are not seafoam green, they are actually brown... I'm sure you know that.
So Sean and I went adventuring again today. Here are some pictures starting with one I took a couple of days ago... Read More
glad to know you two are doing great now. quick question: what did you use to color that bird? it looks like colored pencils or pastels...but I could be just an idiot and it might be somethin' entirely different. I want to be able to color things like that.
Well that response was almost instantaneous. Right on. Can't say I've ever used those..I've heard of them, but never used 'em. They seem to kick ass though. I'm more a pencil, charcoal, and prisma marker fan myself.