its jodorowsky time! this week will be a special about him in cinemateca, start with "the topo"....... so we will be together this days. ill try to feel you!
Hysteria and I are old hat, we turn the tv upside down on a convex mirror strip down to our briefs and dance around with maple syrup smeared all over our genitals until we clear level 69 on final fantasie. Then we throw eggs at the elderly. Hysteria is a real interesting lady..
Hysteria and I are old hat, we turn the tv upside down on a convex mirror strip down to our briefs and dance around with maple syrup smeared all over our genitals until we clear level 69 on final fantasie. Then we throw eggs at the elderly. Hysteria is a real interesting lady..
i like fancy poetry. but thets a little too fancy little gal. i prefer doctor seuss and stuff like that. its real easy ta read. and its real funny to. like, have you ever seen green eggs?! heh heh heh heh
ho visto le tue foto random e le tue facce "miaow" nelle tue cartelle di profilo. Ti dedico questa impressione (forse impressione sbagliata) che mi venuta spontanea, si suole dire
giovane e ignara della portata della tua dolcezza
dell'incommensurabile potenza del corpo;
come lo splendore della spiaggia
sapevi cos poco di tale splendore
quanto un bambino sa della propria follia.
hello gogo congrats on the newest set going live! It's really cool and you look beautiful as always. Happy New Year to you too! I hope that you are doing well and having fun this new year. aloha
No patata..
Non sono incazzata per nulla.
E' un periodaccio.
Lavoro otto ore quasi tutti i giorni, ci sono mille cene e compleanni, sono arrivate le nuove cose violent e sono presa con spedizioni e burocazia varia..
Domani lavoro, purtroppo..mi piacerebe vederti prima di Natale per..ho da darti un pensierino:*
purrrr baby... I too have been watching Oldboy on repeat. I used to have Glamorama next to my toilet
I have been reading too much Charles Bukowski myself.
I want your green tea cookie with a piece of you on top.
hello gogo just thinking of you and hoping things are going well. I'm sure that italy is very beautiful this time of year how are the holidays there? well, take good care of you and your cuteness. aloha