happyhappyHAPPY BIRTHDAY GO-GO!!! Big kiss to you from here!! or actually three... but I hope you are enjoying your day and having all of your lovely birthday wishes coming true! I wish that I were there to celebrate it with you. take care of you aloha
I am very sorry I missed your birthday. I hope it was a happy one- full of cheer and blood. You should've been able to join me here, in philadelphia for pointless fest. It was beautiful- even though I only caught it for one day. later days
did I say it correctly?? well, I hope you are doing good over there in my dream place Is that a song you are writing, or is it a poem you came up with?
I think my brain is mush... you could probably drink it with a straw
sono presa un p male ma mi sollevo.... sto cercando di capire se riesco a recuperare i soldi che mi devono per andare in vacanza ma ancora non so niente. il luna park figo ma nessuno si ricorda dov'. indagher.
I'm alright, are you? I don't like it like that. and I would love to pet you and put you to sleep... you are so adorable, how could I not? today I think I'm going to inspire myself again and see a movie in an empty theater. i need to escape into my imagination and remind myself I'm not alone in this world but don't worry sweetheart, everything will be alright. aloha
Hi again, Yes, indeed my dad and Jodorowsky were friends back in the day, when Jodorowsky used to make this comic strips for the newspaper which he called "Fabulas Panicas" if you ever read them you'll notice a character with a big fro who is always questioning his master, that character was based on my dad.
Say, have you ever read any of his Comic books? They're superb. This one "Son of the gun" is very much like El Topo.
land of the dead came out here a couple of weeks ago.....i prefer to watch zombie movies in the comforts of my own home ...that way i can put my back up against the wall ( a unbreakable wall preferably)and sit back comfortably and calmly watch the movie while gripping my aluminuim baseball bat...cause you never know when one of those sneaking bastards is going to pop out and come at you
forse a febbraio vado ad abitare a bologna e/o milano. poi ti dir.