Favourite overheard conversational snippet of the week: "You're not going to knock a baboon out, are you"
To anyone that knew that my favourite line was from Catch 22, well done. To the rest of you, you'll just have to imagine my breasts bouncing in a saucy huff as I flounce off for your literary inadequacies. Or not.
I hate moving just as much, but this is actually by far the easiest moving I have ever done, you know how little stuff I have with me!
As soon as I have my new place (which should be by this evening anyway) you'll have to come round or we go somewhere nice and you'll let me treat you to some tea and cake (I won't take a no, so don't even bother ) How does that sound? And from now on you'll see me loads if you want to, plenty of time for girly chats
A as in acrimony
B as in bastard
C as in castrating bitch
D as in doff
E as in edges, trimmed nicely, please
F as in faggoty fuck fart finch
G as in germane
H as in hackenpfischer
I as in ill-fitting cunt trumpet
J as in Jermaine
K as in kokonut
L as in labia majoris
M as in minoris, labia
N as in no fucking cunt on a fucking telephone is going to fucking talk to my supervisor so long as I've got their number and the reverse directory in front of me
O as in Orrin Hatch
P as in parsnip
Q as in quaint - no, queer
R as in relish
S as in slag, which is what you are, ma'am
T as in titmice!
U as in uvula - no, vulva
V as in vulva - no, that thing at the back of your throat
W as in wry
X as in xylazine
Y as in Barney
Z as in fuck me that's a lot of letters
I understand what you're saying about talking to my mum, however, she is irrational, more than I can say. She never listens to anyone. I only moved out because she disowned me and kicked me out. She dislikes me and likes making me know that. I had no dislike for her until she told me I was a waste of space. The point is that I am no longer her concern, I understand she might be worried and may regret disowning me, but I'm not acting like a spoiled teenager, just trying to think of the best way to put it so that nobody gets hurt from my decisions.
I seriously doubt your rubbishness. You like the Flaming Lips. That single notion propels you to peaks of greatness. That, combined with your list of comedy favourites, great hair and self deprecating attitude means that you come across as a truly lovely lady. Chin up girl and try to keep smiling.
A gigantic illegible essay of a journal entry with no pictures to break it up for those who don't like reading? Blimey, it's just like the old days, innit?
I've decided that I would be a brilliant music reviewer. And from now on, or from now until I forget or can't be bothered (we are not expecting this development to last very long...), I shall... Read More
Of course I know Father Ted! But wasn't that set in Ireland or is my memory just letting me down once again? However, your journal entry is hilarious, I think you should really go for it, you'd make a fabulously sarcastic music reviewer and I really like the way you write.
Hope you have a good start into the new year! x
Just back from one of the best gigs I've been to this year. Bad Science, Titan System, Samsara, JFB and the almighty Beardyman are legends. I have never seen a beatboxer so good, I mean there are beatboxers, and then there's Beardyman.
I want a cup of tea, and a city of fucking mattresses.
Edit - also, some of my recently rejected set are in... Read More
Its such a shame your set got rejected too lady! I was given no reason as to why I was rejected, I asked Rigel and she could give me no advice! But its ok, Im super proud of it! Thanks for your comment
This entire entry is just a whinge about my job so feel free to skip it. I've spent far too much time this week coming back from work and yelling at my flatmates, so I'm just going to shove it here instead and hope next week is better.
I felt the same way when I was signle-handedly running a coffee shop / restaurant. Walking past it now and seeing the state my beloved espresso machine is in
I saw a sign today for a Topshop Hopping Spree.
I thought it sounded fun, but on closer inspection it seemed the S had rubbed off.
My favourite person in Brighton is the man who runs the West African food van. It's parked opposite the Ocean Rooms, and the man is a dude. He's 25, saving up to go to Cambridge uni. He sells delicious... Read More
yeah i have been putting a roof over the head of your peep show dvd... its almost forgotten what you look like, i have to keep showing it pictures of you so it doesnt forget its master.
Sorry, I've been neglecting SG so much, I didn't realise you had a new set up. I'll have to check it out when I get home from work. Looking a naked girls is not a good idea in work.
I'm glad you're enjoying your new house. Sounds like you've been having a ball.
And wow for your new hair. I'm sure you look great with big hair.
Somehow I overlooked your new set completely. Either it went up whilst I wasn't around or my mind is going. Belated congratulations. It's excellent of course.
Your new house sounds excellent too.
I'm trying to pack all my worldly belongings into cardboard boxes. I didn't realise just how much STUFF I have. Where did it all come from? Why did I feel the need to keep it all? What possible use do I have for 73 odd socks? Why can I not bear to part with several hideous items of clothing that I have never worn? Exactly... Read More
My song of the summer is shaping up to be Love Generation - it's just so beautifully blissed out and sunny. A perfect soundtrack to long hot days spent drinking tea in the sun, lying in the grass in the park. Ordering West African food from a man in a van, and drinking pints as the sun goes down.... Read More
holy shit, dear. it's not even officially summer yet! of course, it feels like it today where i am today, but i'm sitting inside staring at this moniter. i should really be outside pretending it's already summer. there's a swingset not too far away....
As soon as I have my new place (which should be by this evening anyway) you'll have to come round or we go somewhere nice and you'll let me treat you to some tea and cake (I won't take a no, so don't even bother
B as in bastard
C as in castrating bitch
D as in doff
E as in edges, trimmed nicely, please
F as in faggoty fuck fart finch
G as in germane
H as in hackenpfischer
I as in ill-fitting cunt trumpet
J as in Jermaine
K as in kokonut
L as in labia majoris
M as in minoris, labia
N as in no fucking cunt on a fucking telephone is going to fucking talk to my supervisor so long as I've got their number and the reverse directory in front of me
O as in Orrin Hatch
P as in parsnip
Q as in quaint - no, queer
R as in relish
S as in slag, which is what you are, ma'am
T as in titmice!
U as in uvula - no, vulva
V as in vulva - no, that thing at the back of your throat
W as in wry
X as in xylazine
Y as in Barney
Z as in fuck me that's a lot of letters