I'm so up in the air atm not sure what to do with myself!
specially with boys! so much drama and persistence! well not drama more confusing decision making needed on my part! uh and its all american boys! gee why can't I just find a non-crazy hot boy here in Vancouver! and a Job!
And due to these decision making problems I even looked... Read More
They say they have some questions for me, so we scheduled a day to talk. I'm thinking it's like price on hotel rooms or if I can offer them a place to stay should they visit.
Morning sex, god it's been years. I confess I usually don't stay as long, only cuz I have to work or do something that evening.
Morning sex is fun though, must have it again some day
time for a new blog..
this one may be a little emo as I'm having a "I hate myself day"
which is very very rare for me as I'm usually always on a natural high!!
basicly it boils down too I'm horny but I don't want to hook up with my neighbour anymore as he's too clingy and wants a relationship..
I totally appreciate your completely honest blog! You made "emo" (your words) sound completely reasonable and normal, I wish I could do that! Whenever I want to write about my bad days I always think it will sound horrible and then end up not writing at all.
So while I'm sick in bed I have a project that you lovely people can assisst me with..
Firstly drawing idea's to keep me sain and to boost my port.
"If you are reading this right now, then ask me to take pictures of any aspect of my life that you are interested in or curious about. It can be anything from my favorite... Read More
Well I still have a mohawk, but not as big anymore, and it's not been doing very well lately, so I never put it up. Hopefully I can get it all fixed up!
Annoying S_Eldorado at the moment! yay
S_Eldorado, Cherry and friends popped my rockband cherry the other night! was amusing
now the hard part of starting somewhere new.. finding a job and a place to live all in the chaos of the Olympics!
to tell the truth I thought they would be over by now, but no starting next week eep!
hehe no problem
I imagine its hell right now! can you see anything from your house?
Too bad I'm not that into the olympics
Thank you! hope you do as well
so currently in San Francisco staying with friends, tonight we are heading to the 10th annual Edwardian Ball so today I have been trying to figure out what to wear.. luckily I have the help of a friends wardrobe which has made things alot easier.. currently doing hair which has been a hastle due to the I forgot to buy an adapter to Iuse my... Read More
the new year is here and I hope everyone had a lovely time celebrating.. I know I did
This is going to be an amazing year of adventure for me as I leave Aus for a year or two
maybe I won't come back?
so the plan is as follows fly into LA on the 17th Jan
fly to SF on the 19th... Read More
nice coffee, and drinks. i would love to work
in a cute wee cafe, or bar. or even have my own!