I don't know how I missed this when you first posted.
I hope they figure out what's up with the palpitations.
I totally agree about the need for affordable art. Being an artist , I understand the desire to make a living at it but at the same time I don't want people to fall in love with my work but never be able to own any of it.
I wanted to tell you what an absolute fantastic job you (and Vice) did on her latest set. They are truly amazing, and I honestly believe those are some of the best photos I've EVER seen!!!
And, I concur about the sexy mesh top...despite the fact that your boobies are also entertaining the ECG monitor! I do hope your heart is on the mend!
Tomorrow I leave for my first ever San Diego Comic Con! I am so beyond excited.
By the way, I received a couple of emails from members this week (who will stay anonymous) asking me if I'm really a nerd or if I'm just going to the show to "be an SG". Well, I'll be there photographing and helping out at the booths, but if... Read More
thought you might be interested in upcoming previews and candids. also expect some live shoot photos in the future.
in other news, i am so busy that i might actually be crushed by the weight of everything i have to do, so if i am not terribly active replying to comments/messages then these might be some of... Read More
i keep trying to say something (profound or otherwise). but, like a lot of things lately... i forget what i was even trying to do before i started. that's been kind of tough.
so, where was i? busy... that's where. also, i kind of stopped the 365 because i got sick of every photo being of ME. i just don't think i'm cut out for... Read More