Grats on the weight loss! Sadly I haven't been able to use my Wii Fit for like 2 months >_< Once I get the ok from my docs, I def plan to get back on that thing. I miss it
Sooo, I'll be visiting the beautiful and talented Lorelei this weekend for, you guessed it, a photo shoot! It's been over two years since she and I last worked together, and it's been a year and a half since I've had a photo set up!
Needless to say, I'm excited!!!
Here's my dilemma, and I'm hoping you all could help me out...Having not been terribly... Read More
heya, how about something diff, i always seee the same stuff, do it at a bus stop or a trin station or ally, i dont know how safe it is there but the set would be great.??????..
My mother flew into LAX from Philly on Saturday at 9:30pm. On Sunday, we had a lovely brunch at the IHOP (or as Gaffigan would say, "I Barely Move.") We went onward from there to see "Get Smart," which I adored. There's something about Steve Carell's mannerisms that slay me.
Monday was a marathon around the Wild Animal Park, the day capped with some questionable... Read More
Hello. I am Alexander Lambert, a friend of Remy's in the hinterlands far away from SG. He said you were cool and that I should introduce myself. I haven't established much of a presence for myself here yet, but I've done a bit of writing on my blog, and perhaps you'll like it. If so, let me know.
Serra TKOs GSP. WHAT THE FUCK? Ah, well. This means Hughes will get his chance to put the hurt on Serra a lot sooner than he hoped. For all the shit-talking Serra did about Hughes, he'll pay.
Koschek beats Sanchez in one of the most boring fights ever. "Kos" can eat a dick.
SO...Quick update. I got a job working for a law firm...I head up their marketing, essentially.
Things on the home front are good. My 17 year-old brother might end up moving in with me; an adventure in itself!
Renaissance faires are coming up...Ostara is soon...and I'm going to Six Flags Magic Mountain in less than two weeks! Also, I got a sweet Canon Rebel XT.... Read More
I did a shoot yesterday...It was a lot of fun...The ropes were fun, the corset was fun, even the liquid latex was fun. The latex peeled right off the skin, which felt nice, but it just didn't want to come out of my pubic hair. Alas, the only solution was to shave it all off.
The mighty bush is gone!!! No pictures of the bare... Read More
I badly want to get a Wii... I'm having cravings to play Mario Galaxy again.
Can't wait to see the new set!